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Love and Social Life


Both 2015 (the latter part) and 2016 were good love years. Many of you have married or entered into serious kinds of relationships. Socially things have been quiet since last September, with no major developments one way or another. This too is a good signal. There is basic contentment here. This is the case until October 10. But after that Jupiter enters into your 7th house of love and marriage – heating up and expanding the love life.

Those of you involved in an existing relationship might decide to take it a step further and tie the knot. Those of you still unattached will start meeting ‘marriage material’ – people you would consider marrying. There will be many opportunities for serious relationships. The love life will bloom well into next year too.

Pluto, the generic ruler of sex, is your love planet. Jupiter, the actual ruler of sex in your chart will be in your 7th house. Need we have a clearer message? The sexual magnetism seems the most important thing to you. This is the primary allurement. Wealth doesn’t hurt, but seems secondary to that. Good sex will cover many sins in a relationship or marriage, and problems here could threaten the relationship. If problems arise in the marriage or relationship, this area is what will need fixing.

Good sex alone, no matter how good, is not enough to make a marriage work. Even the best of sexual chemistries will have a life span of about a year. Then they start to get a bit jaded. Other compatibilities need to be there.

Pluto, your love planet, is in your 9th house of religion and philosophy and Jupiter (the occupant of your 7th house) is the generic ruler of these things. So, the Horoscope is saying that you need a good philosophical compatibility. It doesn’t mean that you have to agree on every point, but it’s important that you share a similar outlook on life, the same religious values, the same feelings of what life is all about – its meaning and purpose.

There is an old saying: ‘people who pray together, stay together’. This is certainly true in your case. Problems in a relationship can be worked through in this way. It would also be good to take foreign trips together or take classes together as a couple. The philosophical harmony – the harmony of the Higher Mental bodies – needs to be strengthened.

This strong 9th-house connection in love shows other things too. Foreign countries are likely venues for romantic meetings. So is your place of worship or college. Religious or educational functions and gatherings bring romantic opportunity. People in your place of worship seem eager to make introductions.

Often with these kinds of aspects one falls in love with the pastor, minister or professor. There is an attraction for highly educated people – mentor types. You like people you can learn from.

If you are working on your first or second marriage there is love this year and marriage opportunity. If you are working on your third marriage, your prospects improve after December 21. Next year – 2018 – will bring marriage opportunities.

Your Personal Horoscope 2017

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