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It is an old saying that a chain is not stronger than its weakest link, nor is a business organization stronger than the men who have charge of each department. Efficiency must be maintained in each branch or there is a lack of harmony and concerted action productive of the results that constitute the whole. Meeting every requirement of his position, George Abbot Morison is now doing splendid service for the great organization which he represents, being the secretary and sales manager of the Bucyrus Company of South Milwaukee, one of the most extensive and important industrial interests of the city. He comes to this state from New England, his birth having occurred in Peterboro, New Hampshire, August 5, 1879, his parents being the Rev. Robert S. and Anne T. (Abbot) Morison, the former a native of Massachusetts, while the latter was born in Washington, D. C. The father was a Unitarian minister and was secretary of the Harvard University Divinity School during the greater part of his life.

George A. Morison was educated in the east, pursuing his academic course in the Phillips Exeter Academy at Exeter, New Hampshire, from which he was graduated in 1896, after which he entered Harvard University and won his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1900. When his college days were over he spent a short time in making timber surveys in connection with the division of forestry of the United States government. On the 4th of January, 1901, he came to South Milwaukee and has since been identified with the Bucyrus Company. He first worked in the shop as a machinist's apprentice and later became assistant to the superintendent, next was promoted to production manager and afterward became assistant secretary and then secretary of the company. He has spent twenty years with this corporation, advancing steadily to his present position of large responsibility.

On the 1st of January, 1906, Mr. Morison was married to Miss Amelia Huntley Elmore of Milwaukee, and they have become the parents of three children: Robert S., Elting E. and John H. Mr. Morison was very active during the World war, serving as chairman or vice chairman of all Liberty Loan, War Savings and Red Cross campaigns of the territory outside of the city limits of Milwaukee in Milwaukee county. He was chairman of the South Milwaukee branch of the Red Cross and was one of the Four-Minute men, doing effective labor along various lines in connection with the war activities. He is a director and trustee of various civic, philanthropic and commercial organizations. He is prominently and popularly known in club circles, having membership in the University Club of Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Athletic Club, the City Club and also in the University Club of Chicago and the Harvard Club of New York. He is prominent as an alumnus of Harvard University, being secretary of the Associated Harvard Clubs, president of the Harvard Club of Milwaukee and a member of various committees connected with Harvard University. Well descended and well bred, his preliminary educational training qualifying him for responsibilities and important duties, he has by the force of his character and his developed powers reached a gratifying and enviable place in the business circles of Wisconsin.

Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Volume 3

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