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Dr. Clarence John Kenney, a veteran of the World war, serving with the rank of major in the Medical Corps of the One Hundred and Twenty-first Field Artillery and now epidemiologist of the Milwaukee health department and also engaged in the private practice of medicine in Milwaukee, was born in Ozaukee county, Wisconsin, January 13, 1882, his parents being Cornelius and Rose (Bannon) Kenney. In the acquirement of his education 'he attended the high school at Cedarburg, Wisconsin, and later entered the State Normal School at Oshkosh, afterward the Dixon College and still later the Marquette University at Milwaukee. In completing his professional training he entered the medical department of the St. Louis University at St. Louis, Missouri, and was there graduated in 1908. He afterward spent one year as interne in the St. Louis City Female Hospital.

It was in' the year 1910 that Dr. Kenney came to Milwaukee, where he practiced continuously until 1916, when he was commissioned as first lieutenant in the Wisconsin Field Hospital, Unit No. 1, and was on the Mexican border for six months, being stationed at San Antonio, Texas. He enlisted for service in the World war July 15, 1917, and was made a major of the Medical Corps of the One Hundred and Twenty-first Field Artillery of the Thirty-second Division. With that division he went overseas, remaining for sixteen months in France, during which time he participated in the engagements in the Haute-Alsace sector, the Aisne-Marne offensive, the Fismes sector, the Oise-Aisne offensive, the Avocourt sector, the Meuse-Argonne offensive and others He was at all times with the Medical Corps of the One Hundred and Twenty-first Field Artillery, and returned with it. It was a wonderful experience for any young man who lived to return and such was the character of his service that he was given the Croix de Guerre by the French and an army citation by General Pershing. He was mustered out June 3, 1919, at Camp Grant. He had eight years of National Guard service prior to entering the United States army.

On the 1st of August, 1919, Dr. Kenney took his present position with the city as chief of the bureau of communicable diseases, having charge of the laboratory and control of all contagious diseases. He is a member of the Milwaukee Medical Society, the Milwaukee County Medical Society and the Wisconsin State Medical Society and at all times keeps in touch with the trend of modern professional thought and progress.

On the 7th of October, 1913, Dr. Kenney was married to Eunice K. Thomsen of Milwaukee, and they have two children: Eunice, born September 21, 1917; and Keith, born August 6, 1920. Dr. Kenney belongs to the Milwaukee Lodge, No. 46, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, to the Thirty-second Division Veterans Association and to Alonzo Cudworth Post of the American Legion and is one of the distinguished citizens and honored veterans of Milwaukee.

Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Volume 3

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