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“I want to thank you, Lucas, for all the help you’ve been to me and my son.”

Virginia’s voice was low and urgent. “It was a huge thing for me to come back to Glory. I only hope I’ve made the right decision.”

“Hey, Virginia.” Lucas held her gaze and felt something start to hum and burn inside his chest. She had this effect on him; she’d always had this effect on him.

“You’ve been terrific. And...and I really appreciate it. Especially since things aren’t always the way I’d like them to be with Mother and Father.”

Lucas had noticed that she always referred to her parents rather formally It seemed odd, since everyone in town knew how much Doc and Doris Lake had doted on their only daughter.

Lucas wanted to reach out and touch her. Suddenly he did. He leaned forward and placed both his hands on her shoulders. “Listen, Virginia, I’m happy to be a good friend to you. But that’s not all I want to be. When we’re at work, I’m a hundred percent professional. But when we’re not...I intend to court you. Seriously.”

There was a moment of strained silence. Then “S-seriously?” Her voice was faint.

“Damn seriously.”

“Oh, Lucas...then kiss me. Please.”

The Doctor's Daughter

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