Читать книгу The Doctor's Daughter - Judith Bowen - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

There’s a wrong side to every town.

Sometimes it’s the east end, if the prevailing wind is from the west. Sometimes it’s across the tracks, where the cinders and smoke once flew and the freight whistles meant sleepless nights for the nearby residents. Sometimes it’s on the far bank of the river or creek, with a graveled path leading toward it, away from the brighter lights.

Rarely it was a hilltop. Generally that’s where “Society” lived, with a good view of those less fortunate folk below.

Lucas Yellowfly is poor, half-Native American and from the wrong side of town. But he’s got big plans for himself.

Maverick daughter of the local surgeon, Virginia Lake is definitely from the right side of town. But she returns in disgrace, a young son in tow and no husband in sight.

Now, twelve years after they both left Glory, they’ve got a second chance. This time, will love prevail, no matter what the neighbors think?

I hope you enjoy Lucas and Virginia’s story. How could two wrongs come out so right?


Judith Bowen

P.S. I’d love to hear from you! Write to me at P.O. Box 2333, Point Roberts, WA 98281-2333

The Doctor's Daughter

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