Читать книгу Sales Presentations For Dummies - Julie M. Hansen - Страница 14

Part I
Getting Started with Sales Presentations
Chapter 2
Discovering What You Need to Know Before You Begin
Creating a Presentation Plan Checklist


As you prepare for your presentation, there are a lot of moving parts to keep track of, including logistics, research, audience members, message development, visual aids, rehearsal, technology, and so forth. Dropping the ball in one area can have major repercussions in others.

This type of checklist helps you keep track as you prepare your presentation. You can download a copy at www.dummies.com/cheatsheet/salespresentations. You also can download a copy of the checklist at www.performancesalesandtraining.com.

Use this checklist to uncover vital information as you begin planning your presentation. Check off each point as you get the data or perform the task and keep it up-to-date so that you don’t miss anything.

Sales Presentations For Dummies

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