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Thank you to so many incredible women who have breathed truth and love into my heart:

Thank you Sharon Goding. You are closer than a sister; you are part of my heart!

Faith Frederick—you are so loving and faithful—you have taught me how to be a feminine warrior.

Dr. Jeanette Bakke, your words and prayers have nurtured me so. From the day I entered seminary with you as my professor, I knew my life would never be the same.

Jeanette Vought, you mentored, loved, and gave me support in the hardest times.

Mary Lowman—a new friend, but I have a beautiful prediction of years of support and prayers to come.

I could list hundreds of beautiful wildflowers that have impacted my life—thank you each and every one.

But one beautiful woman who left this world 30 years ago made the deepest love impact and legacy. With tears of love, I thank you my Grandmother Eileen.

You taught me how to love like no other. You displayed extravagant love and mentored and parented me each step of the way. Much of the time you were quiet in the way you shaped me, but I watched you Grandma! I watched you give; I watched you forgive; I watched you love—sometimes when the person didn’t deserve it. As you used to say about yourself, “I may not be very pretty; I may not be very smart; but I can love better than anyone” and that you could, my dearest Grandmother! If I can be a small reflection of the kindness and grace you gave others, then I will be ecstatic with joy.

I’m excited to see you in heaven and tell you of all the people that I have loved with the love you gave to me, because we both know all this love was from God. You were filled with Him. I’ll continue the love revolution here on earth until I come to heaven with you. I promise you one of those big squishy hugs and wet kisses you gave me so generously!

Broken and Beautiful

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