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As I wrote this devotional, I prayed that it would be a prayer meeting between the Lord, myself, and you. God provided a buffer zone, so I could enter into silence and focus on things unseen. Then, I could bring his Glory to the tangible world and share those revelations with eyes that see and ears that hear.

The chaos and violence in this world, and in the lives of those who seek help, affords us the great opportunity to speak God’s truth into these matters. I have asked Jesus for the courage to speak truth, the wisdom of God to do it well, and the grace to remember that as God speaks to me, it’s not just for others, but for my sake too. As Oswald Chambers said in My Utmost for His Highest, I pray I may “be careful to maintain strenuously God’s point of view” (from his devotion for October 24, based on 2 Corinthians 2:14)

Jesus, My heart is yours! I give you my trust and I give you my life! My heart is moved, stirred, and romanced. The vessel called my heart is bursting with love, life, hope and pure joy. Your love, Oh Lord, sings within me—in my dreams, in my visions, in the twilight, in my waking, in the darkness and in the light — all day and all night. I pray the undercurrent of who I am is you. I am filled with wild love — overwhelming, saturating, and transforming. I desire that you may be caught up in this wild love too.

All I have to offer is my weakness and I know He brings his loving strength into my weakness! I have been in many turbulent storms. In the chaos and the pain, God has been so faithful. He may not have answered all my questions, but he has been with me in each and every moment, every step of the way. He has been (and still is) an incredible travel companion, my abiding presence always.

Thank you for entering into this 31-day journey with me. Oh, the places we will travel and the people we shall meet. All we have to offer the wounded is a Savior that understands their scars and longs to reach into their lives with healing love. I have experienced the reality of that healing love to the depths of who I am. You are not alone, dear one; He goes before you. Enter into this 31-day adventure wide open to His kindness and grace.


God’s Wildflower


Broken and Beautiful

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