Читать книгу Pomeranian - Juliette Cunliffe - Страница 18



A dog with an incredible amount of energy, the Pomeranian is extroverted, lively and intelligent, and makes a delightful family member. It must never be forgotten that the Pomeranian is a member of the spitz family and can therefore be very loyal and protective of its owners. However, the Pomeranian can be rather reserved with strangers and does have a tendency to bark at them.


People usually purchase dogs for companionship, but studies show that dogs can help to improve their owners’ health and level of activity, as well as lower a human’s risk of coronary heart disease. Without even realizing it, when a person puts time into exercising, grooming and feeding a dog, he also puts more time into his own personal health care. Dog owners establish more routine schedules for their dogs to follow, which can have positive effects on their own health. Dogs also teach us patience, offer unconditional love and provide the joy of having a furry friend to pet!

Well-behaved children make good friends for the Pomeranian. This Pom is enjoying a budding show career with his young mistress.

This is an alert and curious dog, always busy, but the Pomeranian can also be both bold and willful. As one of the more independent of the Toy breeds, the Pomeranian can be slightly sharp-tempered, but his affectionate nature is very endearing. Although of small stature, this breed has a resonant bark and makes a good watchdog.

It is necessary for a Pomeranian to know exactly who is boss, and he requires gentleness coupled with firmness in training. Otherwise, he may become overly demanding if allowed to get too much of his own way.

Although the Pomeranian is small enough to live in an apartment, townhouse or other home of limited size, and is a breed that will, to a large extent, exercise itself, owners should still provide their dogs with exercise on a regular basis. The Pomeranian can make an especially loyal companion for the elderly and can provide many happy years of pleasure and companionship.


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