Читать книгу Fun Start: An idea a week to maximize your baby’s potential from birth to age 5 - June Oberlander R. - Страница 60

The Face and Head Game This activity develops


 the sense of touch

 eye-hand coordination

 association skills


 language development

 following directions


 awareness of left and right

Touch the child’s head with your hand and slowly move your hand from the neck to the left side of her head, across the top and down the right side of her head to the neck. This will give the child the feeling of the outline of her head. Tell the child that you have moved your hand around her head.

Draw a large circle or oval on a blank piece of paper and tell the child that you are drawing a picture of her head. Gently touch the child’s left eye and tell the child that you are going to draw a picture of her eye. Draw the left eye in the proper place on the drawn face. Touch the child’s right eye and do the same as with the left eye. Touch the nose, name it and draw it on the paper face. Touch the mouth next and name it as you draw it in place; make the mouth smile. Tell the child that you have drawn a happy face on the paper. Then touch and draw the left and right ears, naming and talking about them as you draw. For realism, add some hair to the drawing.

If the child still appears to be interested, take her pointer finger and trace around the outline of the drawn head. Touch the left eye, then touch the right eye, naming them as you touch them. Touch and name the nose. Then touch the smiling mouth as you sweep your hand from left to right on the drawn smile. Next touch the left and right ears as you name them. Point to the drawn hair and touch the child’s hair as you say the word,‘hair’.

Repeat this activity throughout the week. In addition, point to the faces of the family, as well as those found in books and magazines, and identify the parts of the head each time that you talk to the child about the parts of the head. Praise the child for any positive response.

At another time, use large buttons, cotton reels, felt pieces, scraps of paper or anything that can be used for markers. The markers should be easy for the child to pick up and hold. Do not leave the child alone with any markers that can be swallowed! Use the drawn picture of a face or any large face and instruct the child to put a marker on an eye. It is not advisable to use the words left and right, so allow the child to place the marker on either eye. Then tell her to put a marker on the other eye. Repeat the procedure for the nose, mouth, ears and hair. Help the child, if necessary, and remember to praise her whenever possible.

Another activity that can be performed to reinforce the memory of the parts of the face is to paste a picture of a large face on cardboard or construction paper. When the paste is dry, cut the face in two pieces (left and right). Tell the child to put the face together.

Throughout the week, repeat these activities with your child, especially when the child seems to need you. While you are doing housework, you can interact with your child by telling her to point to any one of the parts of the face. Politely help or correct the child if necessary and remember to praise her.

Fun Start: An idea a week to maximize your baby’s potential from birth to age 5

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