Читать книгу The Root of Chinese Qigong - Jwing-Ming Yang - Страница 10



Qigong () is the science of cultivating the body’s internal energy, which is called Qi () in Chinese. The Chinese have been researching Qi for the last four thousand years, and have found Qigong to be an effective way to improve health and to cure many illnesses. Most important of all, however, they have found that it can help them to achieve both mental and spiritual peace.

Until recently, Qigong training was usually kept secret, especially within martial arts systems or religions such as Buddhism and Daoism. Only acupuncture and some health-related Qigong exercises were available to the general public. During the last twenty years these secrets have become available to the general public through publications and open teaching. Medical professionals have finally been able to test Qigong more widely and scientifically, and they have found that it can help or cure a number of diseases that Western medicine has difficulty treating, including some forms of cancer. Many of my students and readers report that after practicing Qigong, they have changed from being weak to strong, from depressed to happy, and from sick to healthy.

Since Qigong can bring so many benefits, I feel that it is my responsibility to collect the available published documents and compile them, filter them, understand them, and introduce them to those who cannot read them in their original Chinese. It is, however, impossible for one person alone to experience and understand the fruit of four thousand years of Qigong research. I hope that other Qigong experts will share this responsibility and publish the information that they have been taught, as well as what they have learned through research and experimentation.

Even though Qigong has been researched in China for four thousand years, there are still many questions which can only be answered through recourse to today’s technology and interdisciplinary knowledge. Contemporary, enthusiastic minds will have plenty of opportunity to research and promote the art. This is not a job that can be done through one individual’s effort. It requires a group of experts including Western-style doctors, Qigong experts, acupuncturists, and equipment design specialists to sit down and work together and exchange their research results. A formal organization with adequate financial support will be needed. If this research is properly conducted, it should succeed not only in providing validation of Qigong for the Western mind, but it may also come up with the most efficient methods of practice. I feel certain that Qigong will become very popular in a short time, and bring many people a healthier and happier life. This is a new field for Western science, and it will need a lot of support to catch up to the research that has already been done in China. I hope sincerely that Qigong science will soon become one of the major research fields in colleges and universities in this country.

The Root of Chinese Qigong

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