Читать книгу The Prosperity Bible - Kahlil Gibran - Страница 89



Have a definite purpose — Aim.

The secret of all Winning is the unyielding fight toward a definite Ideal or Plan. A man with a set Aim and the courage to follow in its path cannot Fail. In fact, what you Aim to be, you already are — potentially.

Have a definite purpose — Aim.

The first efforts of John Keats were laughed to scorn by his critics, but he paid no attention to them, for he was certain of his ability and hardly was the ink on their criticisms dry before he handed them his marvelous poem Endymion. “I was never afraid of failure,” said he, “for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest.” Keats was but twenty-six years of age when he died — a mere boy! But he had a world fame — he had achieved his Aim.

Have a definite purpose — Aim.

Washington lost more battles than he won. But his Aim for Independence was achieved. People marvel at the election to the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson — a Schoolmaster. But those who know the man, know that he has been preparing for this exalted office for a quarter of a century — not Aiming at the Office merely — but the ability to FILL it. His Aim was to merit the Task — not the Honor alone.

Have a definite purpose — Aim.

There are no “Lucky Dogs.” Winners are just the Workers with an Aim — that’s all. The Successful business men of every city — the largest number of them — had nothing to begin with but a single Aim. What is their story now? The magnificent blocks, and great enterprises that make each city what it is. Have you an Aim? You only need ONE big central Aim. Get it without delay. Then follow it consistently and courageously. For it is better to Aim at one great task and complete it acceptably and with Honor, than to split your Aims into a dozen different Aims and win in none.

Have a definite purpose — Aim.

The Prosperity Bible

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