Читать книгу The Prosperity Bible - Kahlil Gibran - Страница 90



The Thank habit is one of the best habits that you can form. Think for a moment. Did you ever regret a “Thank you,” received from anybody? Did it ever make you feel mean, dissatisfied, out of sorts? Has it ever brought to you a feeling of remorse for service rendered? Alright, then —

Get the Thank habit.

It is not necessary to express in mere words at all times your feeling of Thankfulness. Once get the habit thoroughly and you will LIVE it unconsciously. Thankful men and women show in their very eyes and attitude that they have the habit. It’s the most “showy” quality possible. It’s contagious, too.

Get the Thank habit.

You meet a gruff, inhuman being. He performs some service as though he were a sort of mechanical device. You Thank him. He at once becomes Human! Thankfulness acts like a powerful stimulant both on yourself and upon other people. It transforms. All days are fine days, all people are square people, all happenings are for the best to the one who has thoroughly mastered the “Thank Habit.”

Get the Thank habit.

Get it by always acknowledging a service with a Thank you. If your Clerk, or Waiter, or Secretary, or Partner, or Friend does a service — no matter how small — hand over the Thanks — freely, with a broad, healthy Smile. It’s a great investment. The Dividends simply roll back to you.

Get the Thank habit.

The Prosperity Bible

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