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Table of Contents

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DUSHYANTA, King of India.

MÁ[T.]HAVYA, the jester, friend, and companion of the King.

KANWA, chief of the hermits, foster-father of [S']AKOONTALÁ.

[S']ÁRNGARAVA,} } two Bráhmans, belonging to the hermitage of KANWA. [S']ÁRADWATA, }

MITRÁVASU, brother-in-law of the King, and superintendent of the city police.

JÁNUKA and SÚCHAKA, two constables.

VÁTÁYANA, the chamberlain or attendant on the women's apartments.

SOMARÁTA, the domestic priest.

KARABHAKA, a messenger of the queen-mother.

RAIVATIKA, the warder or doorkeeper.

MÁTALI, charioteer of Indra.

SARVA-DAMANA, afterwards BHARATA, a little boy, son of DUSHYANTA by [S']AKOONTALÁ.

KA[S']YAPA, a divine sage, progenitor of men and gods, son of MARÍCHI, and grandson of BRAHMÁ.

[S']AKOONTALÁ, daughter of the sage VI[S']WÁMITRA and the nymph MENAKÁ, foster-child of the hermit KANWA.

PRIYAMVADÁ and ANASÚYÁ, female attendants, companions of [S']AKOONTALÁ.

GAUTAMÍ, a holy matron, Superior of the female inhabitants of the hermitage.


SÁNUMATÍ, a nymph, friend of [S']AKOONTALÁ.

TARALIKÁ, personal attendant of the Queen.

CHATURIKÁ, personal attendant of the King.

VETRAVATÍ, female warder or doorkeeper.


MADHUKARIKÁ,} maidens in charge of the royal gardens.

SUVRATÁ, a nurse.

ADITI, wife of KA[S']YAPA; granddaughter of BRAHMÁ through her father DAKSHA.

Sakoontala; Or, The Lost Ring

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