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Questions a Breeder May Ask You


Responsible breeders always try to make sure their kittens are going to good homes, where they will be wanted, loved, and treated well. A conscientious breeder will ask potential buyers certain questions that reveal a lot about a person’s attitude and knowledge about pet ownership. Expect such questions as:

• Do you intend to keep your cat indoors? (Some breeders will not sell their kittens to people who want outdoor cats.)

• Have you owned cats before? Was your previous cat spayed or neutered? (Some breeders may stipulate in their sales agreements that kittens sold as pets must be altered and not used for breeding.)

• Did you provide annual medical care for your previous cat? What happened to your previous cat?

• Do you own other pets now?

Such questions are not intended to make you feel intimidated, insulted, or defensive, so do not feel offended if a breeder interrogates you in this manner. Instead, recognize that you have been fortunate to locate someone who sincerely cares about the welfare of his or her cats. Breeders of this caliber feel that each kitten they raise represents a significant financial and emotional investment. They want to help other people become responsible pet owners and expand their general knowledge of cats. They also want you to consider your cat as a valuable investment, a cat that will become your priceless companion and a member of the family.

The Cat Handbook

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