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Removing congestion on the sacrum and the sacro-iliac joints


Place your thumbs, with the thumbs pointing horizontally at each other, at the bottom of the sacrum really low on the coccyx (tailbone) in between the buttocks. Spread your hands flat over the lowest part of the buttocks. Hook the thumbs under the tailbone, if possible, and roll up a fold of skin and underlying tissue towards the top of the sacrum and the last mobile joint of the spine. First do this movement directly upwards and then gradually fan your thumbs outwards until you are working along the V-shaped sacro-iliac ligaments. Perform this upward stroking movement for about 5 minutes, with the intention of removing congestion. (Please note: the sacrum should be massaged only in an upward direction.)

This movement helps to decongest and loosen the sacrum, helping the baby’s head to descend easily into the birthing space. It also increases the flexibility of the coccyx. Note: If this massage is performed regularly during the last few weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s head is encouraged to engage deeply in the pelvis at 36-38 weeks.

Every so often you should repeat the ‘dimples thumb massage’ for a minute or two.

Occasionally, using cupped hands, drain horizontally outwards across the buttocks from the sacro-iliac ligaments, around the hips and to the front of the pelvic area underneath the bump. These movements help to loosen up all the muscles within the buttocks and increases pelvic mobility. Do this horizontal massage for 2 minutes at a time.

Repeat the entire sequence of the above set of movements slowly over and over again until you get a sense of loosening (approximately 5 minutes).

As you become more practised at the method you may notice how the texture under the skin changes. If the skin seems puffy, it usually means that you need to work more often on breaking down congestion and drainage.

Please do the General Treatment massage of the neck and shoulders, upper back, middle back and sacrum as often as possible every week for about a total of 20 minutes. This assists the mother’s back and pelvis to easily stretch and allow the baby’s head to engage and be born through the inner diameters of the pelvis.

The Gentle Birth Method: The Month-by-Month Jeyarani Way Programme

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