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Chapter 2


Wynn and her assistant, Helen Jenkins, worked steadily throughout the afternoon. Between interviewing potential employees and matching several customers with clients, Nursing Solutions had a very productive and financially successful day.

Around five-thirty Wynn stuck her head out of her office and looked around the empty office lobby. Mozart’s Piano Sonata in C Major swirled around the outer office. “Is it safe to come out?”

Laughing, Helen ran her hands over her silver, shoulder-length braids, allowing them to slip through her fingers and feather around her shoulders. “Yes, finally.”

Tired from their busy schedule and happy to see the end of the workday, Wynn sauntered across the room with a bottle of Evian water. She opted to sit on the beige-and-rose-striped chair next to Helen’s cherrywood desk instead of the rose three-cushion sofa against the opposite wall. Wynn massaged the tight muscles at the back of her neck, kicked off her shoes, and dug her nylon-covered toes into the plush beige carpeting. “This has been one busy afternoon.”

“Yes, it has. Good for business though.”

“True.” Wynn reached for the applications on Helen’s desk and quickly sifted through them. “Do me a favor.”

“Sure.” Helen reached for a scratch pad and pencil.

“When you get in tomorrow, call Harper University Hospital and talk with Purchasing. I had a call from Linda while I was at lunch.” She returned the files to Helen’s in-box, twisted the cap off her water, and took a long swig. “The Nursing Office is scheduling for the weekend and wants to know who we have available to work twelve hours in CCU.”

“Will do.” Helen scribbled down Wynn’s instructions. “Anyone in particular you want to send?”

“Don’t send any newbies. We don’t know enough about them. Send our old faithfuls.”

“Got you.” Yawning, Helen rose from the desk and made a beeline for the coffee machine. “I need one final dose of caffeine before I make the trip home.” She filled her mug with the last ounces from the pot, hit the Off button, and reached for the cream and sugar.

“I know how you feel. I’m whipped. But the day has been good. Business has really picked up.”

“You’re right about that. Let me get back to something you said earlier. Tell me about your lunch date.”

Wynn’s heart lurched in her chest. Adam was still forbidden territory. She felt conflicted over the boy she remembered and the man she met today.

A mental image of Adam materialized. As if he were standing in front of her, she felt his intense gaze warming her insides and causing all manner of havoc within her.

This particular question didn’t surprise her coming from Helen. In some ways, Helen and Wynn were closer then Wynn and her mother.

“It wasn’t a lunch date, per se. More like a casual encounter that included lunch. After my meeting with Ford Hospital, I stopped at the New Center One building for a sandwich. While I was standing in line, I felt this tap on my shoulder and this guy asked if I was Wynn Evans who grew up in the Rosedale Park area.”

Helen leaned back in her chair with her coffee, softly blowing on the streaming brew between sips. “Interesting. You’re getting picked up in sandwich shops. Tell me more.”

Laughing, Wynn picked up a red file folder and lightly slapped Helen on the wrist. “Cute.”

Grinning, Helen shrugged. “It’s just an observation. Seriously, who is he?”

“A kid I use to baby-sit while I was in high school.”

Gasping, Helen lowered her mug. “You’re kidding.”


“You haven’t been a teenager for a long time.”

Wynn moaned. “Tell me about it. Twenty-five years to be exact.”

“What’s this guy doing now?”

Wynn found it impossible to keep the dreamy expression off her face. “He works for the auto companies.”

“Doing what?”

“Adam’s an attorney.”

“Wow! That must be something. Is he married? Does he have kids? A live-in girlfriend that we should kill off?” Helen asked.

“No. No. And why would I want to kill his girlfriend?”

“So that you can take her place, silly,” Helen answered as if it were the most logical thing in the world.

“You are too silly.”

“Oh, come on. Single with a great career. Sounds like love to me.”

Wynn made a buzzer sound. “Wrong answer. I’m not looking for love in the right or wrong places.”

“What about sex with a cute, fun guy?”

“No, thank you.”

“Wynn, we’ve had this conversation before. I know Jim treated you like crap. But you can’t judge all men by his standard.” Helen sneered. “Actually, Jim didn’t have any standards. Which is why you’re not with him today. I’d say that’s a good thing.”


“Okay. Okay. I’ll leave Jim alone. But seriously, this Adam sounds nice, interesting. Hell, at least he bought you a meal.”

“And he’s almost fifteen years younger than me. I’m way too old for this very cute baby.”

“Don’t think that way,” Helen said, and then swallowed the last of her coffee. “You know what they say. Raise them the way you want them.”

Groaning, Wynn shook her head. “Thank you. I really needed that visual.”

“Don’t dismiss it.”

Wynn sighed. “Anyhoo, Adam bought me lunch and we caught up on old times and our families. I gave him my card and he gave me his. If we’re lucky we might get some business from the automaker.” She shrugged. “You never know.”

“So what does this paragon look like?” Helen asked, rising from the desk and locking the black metal file cabinets.

A little smile touched Wynn’s lips. “I never use this phrase because teenagers use it so often but it fits Adam. He’s hot.” She said with a little smile on her face. “Handsome. He’s tall, dark chocolate skin with light brown eyes with a hint of hazel. I remember his dad’s eyes were the same color.” She took another swig of water. “Close cut dark hair. Eye candy.”

“Do you think he’ll call?”

“I don’t know,” Wynn admitted, silently thinking it was a long shot at best. “I’m not betting on it. But, if there’s business to be had, hopefully Adam will remember us.”

“No. That’s not what I’m talking about.” Helen returned to her desk.

Confused, Wynn stared at her confidante, friend, and employee. “What?”

“Do you think he’ll call and ask you out?”

Her heart jumped in her chest. Would he? Probably not. “Hello. Did you hear me a few minutes ago? I’m almost fifteen years older than he is. I’m sure a hottie like Adam has plenty of women to keep him company. He doesn’t need or want a divorcee with two small children.”

“How do you know? You might be just what he wants. Besides, you need an adventure.”

Laughing, Wynn shook her head. “And that’s all it could be.”

The telephone interrupted Wynn’s next comment. She glanced at the console. “Oops! You forgot to switch to voice mail.”

Helen waved her away as she picked up the receiver. “No biggie. I’ll take this one and then switch over. Nursing Solutions. How may I direct your call?” There was a pause as she listened to the caller. One arched eyebrow curved sharply. “Just a moment. Let me check to see if she’s available.”

Quickly hitting the red Hold button, Helen turned to Wynn with a big cheesy grin on her lips. “It’s him.”

Shuffling through a pile of mail, Wynn glanced up. “Who?”

“Your babysitting kid is on the phone.”

Oh Lordy! Wynn thought. Gathering her composure, she rose from the chair and moved across the room. Maybe this is about doing business together. “I’ll take it in my office.”

She entered her office, picked up the phone, and sank into her chair. “Wynn Evans.”

“Hey, Wynn.”

She thought she was ready to talk but the sound of his sexy drawl sent shivers coursing down her spine. “Hi, Adam. What can I do for you?” Is that my voice? She wondered. I sound so normal. Yet I feel as if I might crumble into a zillion pieces right here, right now.

“First of all, I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed seeing you today. A little old school time together made my day.”

“Mine, too.”

“Second, let’s not wait for a barbecue,” he said confidently. “So, how about dinner?”

Her heart kicked into a gallop. Dinner with Adam? Seeing each other had been a great experience, but she wasn’t sure what dinner with him really meant.

“Wynn?” he prompted.

“I’m here.”

“It got real quiet on your end. Did you hear me?”


Adam chuckled. “In case you didn’t realize it, I’m waiting for an answer.”


“Saturday night.”

Jim had the boys this weekend. No problem with babysitting. Why not? There weren’t any outstanding obligations holding her back. Except this nagging feeling that there was something more behind Adam’s invitation.

Taking a reckless leap, Wynn answered, “That would be nice.”

“Great! I thought you might like to go to Seldom Blues for dinner.”

Wow! She mouthed the word silently. Seldom Blues was no greasy spoon. It was one of Detroit’s premiere and very expensive jazz and supper clubs. Once a year, she took Helen out to celebrate the success of the company.

“It sounds wonderful. What time?”

“Mmm. I’m going to make reservations for eight. So, I’ll be at your place around seven-thirty.”

“Good! I’ll see you then. Bye.”

“Bye. Oh, Wynn?”

She returned the receiver to her ear. “Yes?”

“Thanks. I’m looking forward to seeing you.”

“Me, too.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Wynn realized that she meant them. She liked Adam. Always had. And she was looking forward to learning more about his life.

Wynn glanced up from the telephone to find Helen in the doorway with a knowing expression on her sepia brown face. “What?”

Folding her arms across her chest, Helen barely suppressed a grin. “Nothing. I’m glad you’re going out for a change.”

That silver-haired devil didn’t fool Wynn. “Mmm-hmm.”

“So.” Helen sauntered into the room and slid into the empty chair, facing the desk. “Where’s he taking you?”

“Seldom Blues.”

Wynn held her breath, waiting for Helen’s over-the-top reaction. The older woman didn’t disappoint. She whistled long and loudly. “My. My. The babysitting kid has money and he’s willing to spend it on you. Nice.”

“Possibly, I don’t know. It could all be because I used to take care of him.” She grabbed her purse out of the bottom desk drawer and reached for her briefcase, resting on the floor next to her desk. “Anyhoo, Saturday night I’m going to have a great dinner with an old friend.”

Helen opened her mouth to say more. Before the words formed on Helen’s lips, Wynn halted her with her hand. “No. It’s not anything more. I’m a forty-three-year-old divorcee with two kids. Adam’s thirtysomething. It’s not that kind of dinner. And trust me. He’s not that into me.”

“What kind of dinner is it? Men don’t spend chunks of money on their former babysitters. He’s looking to impress you.”

“And why would he want to do that?”

“Maybe Adam likes what he sees. And he wants you to see him as a man. A single eligible man.”

Ignoring Helen’s comments, Wynn slung her bag over her shoulder and started for the door. “Oh! Look at the time. My kids will be looking for me. Mother has her yoga class this evening, I’d better hurry. See you tomorrow.”



“You can act like you don’t hear me all you want. But I’m pretty sure Saturday night, Mr. Adam Carlyle is gonna show you a thing or two.” Helen followed Wynn out of the office and into the reception area. “Have a good evening. I’ll lock up.”

Yeah, Wynn thought. The only thing I have going with Adam is the years when I babysat him.

Wynn marched across the room and out of the office. She shut the door, and started down the hall to the stairwell, and exited the building. As she approached the vehicle, she hit the remote and opened the car door, slipping behind the wheel to start the engine.

The best thing she could do was enjoy the evening with Adam. It wasn’t often she got the chance to spend time with a handsome, younger man who wanted to spend money on her. Wynn planned to enjoy her evening with Adam at Seldom Blues and forget about everything else.

I Can Make You Love Me

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