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Chapter 3


The melody of Alexander Zonjac’s jazz flute serenaded the restaurant patrons as Wynn and Adam stepped through the entrance of Seldom Blues restaurant and approached the hostess station.

“Reservation for Carlyle,” Adam stated with confidence, resting his hand on the lower portion of Wynn’s back. A black dress caressed her curvy figure. The bodice fitted against her breast and waist and flared into a full skirt. His fingers moved seductively against the silk fabric covering her back.

“Good evening, Mr. Carlyle, ma’am.” The young woman gathered three leather-bound folders. “Your table is ready. Please step this way.”

Wynn and Adam trailed the hostess along a dark blue hallway, past the central dining room and stage to a separate curved corridor.

Surprised, Wynn glanced back at Adam with a question in her eyes. Adam’s encouraging hand at the base of her spine urged her forward.

The hostess halted at a frosted glass door etched with a swirling pattern. “This is our River Room,” she announced, opening the door and stepping back. Adam and Wynn entered. The young woman placed menus and a wine list on the single table set for two. “Enjoy your meal.” With a smile, she turned toward the hallway, shutting the door softly behind her.

Amazed, Wynn moved around the elegantly decorated room. Blue, tan, and cream created the central color scheme for their private quarters. Wynn strolled around the room, examining and touching every item. She admired a painting of a trumpeter and ran a gentle finger across a silver twisted metal wall hanging.

Watching her, Adam stood near the table and shoved a hand inside the pocket of his trousers.

“This is beautiful,” Wynn said.

“I thought you might like it.”

“I do.” Wynn glanced out the window. The room faced the Canadian border, providing a spectacular view of downtown Windsor. Lights from the business district glittered off the Detroit River. Casino Windsor’s white structure loomed large and majestic on the water’s edge, facing the Detroit shoreline.

Wynn moved across the room toward the man. She halted several feet away. “You sure know how to ‘wow’ a girl.”

“I aim to please.” He offered up a gentle smile and asked, “Are you?”


“Good. I plan to make certain the evening stays that way,” he promised, reaching for her hand.

Adam led her around the table, helped her into her chair, and then took the seat opposite hers. Her gaze swept over her dinner companion. Adam’s aura practically bragged of wealth and power. Dressed in a raven silk jacket and matching trousers, he looked absolutely gorgeous tonight. A cream cashmere V-neck sweater provided a splash of color and a glimpse of dark hair generously sprinkled across his chest.

He leaned back in his chair, studying the wine list. “Is there anything in particular you’d like for a cocktail?”

“No. I’ll leave that decision to you.”

“I appreciate that,” he replied, perusing the wine list before setting it aside. His gaze did a lazy slide from the top of her shiny auburn head, slid lower, and lingered on the swell of her breasts above the bodice of her black silk dress. Something intense flared in his eyes, causing Wynn’s nipples to tighten in response. His gaze returned to her face. A broad smile of approval spread across his face. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Pleased and a bit nervous, she focused on his face. Yes, Adam had grown into one striking man. One question lingered in her mind: Why had he chosen her company tonight? Wynn understood her potential and limitations. Honestly, she knew that she paled against the current flock of twenty-and thirty-something women who would kill for a chance to get close to a man like Adam.

A tap on the door caused those thoughts to dissipate. A gentleman dressed in a black suit, white shirt, and royal blue tie entered with a crystal water pitcher in hand. “Good evening. Welcome to Seldom Blues.” He crossed the carpeted floor and filled their water goblets before turning to Adam. “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Carlyle. How have you been?”

“Very well. How about you, Eric?”

“Great!” He moved around the table, stopping next to Wynn’s chair. He shifted the silverware from under the napkin and shook out the linen, draping it across Wynn’s lap.

“It’s getting close to your wedding date.” Adam picked up his water goblet and took a drink. “Is everything under control?”

“Three weeks,” Eric replied.

“I wish you and Amelia the best.”

“Thank you. We appreciate it.”

Listening to this exchange, it became obvious to Wynn that Adam frequented Seldom Blues on a regular basis. She tucked that thought away for future examination and turned her attention back to the men.

Hands linked behind his back, Eric asked, “Have you had a chance to review our wine selection?”

“Yes.” Adam handed the list to the server. “We’ll have a bottle of champagne. Also, two lump crab cakes for an appetizer.”

Nodding slightly, Eric complimented, “Excellent choices, Mr. Carlyle.” He started to the door. “I’ll be back in a moment with your wine.”

The beat of Ramsey Lewis’s piano softly filled the room. Adam placed his hand over hers, caressing the tender skin with his thumb. “Thanks for coming out with me.”

Uncertain what all of these soft caresses truly meant, she eased her hand from under his and placed it in her lap. Time to start the small talk. Keep things light, she thought, “Thanks for asking. You seem to know the staff here pretty well. Do you come here often?”

“Often enough. Gautier’s offices are in the RenCen,” he explained. “We do a lot of business in here.”

“How long have you worked for Gautier?”

“Reynolds hired me right out of law school. Actually, once I accepted the position, I moved to Paris for a couple of years.”

“Wow! Paris! What are you doing back in Detroit?”

“I missed my home. Don’t get me wrong; Paris was exciting and fun. It’s one of those once-in-a-lifetime adventures. But there’s nothing like your mom’s home cooking, and living in your own country or sleeping in your own bed.”

“I know what you mean. It’s a comfort zone you need to cross every once in a while.”


Before he could add another thought, there was a light tap on the door and then Eric returned with a bottle and a silver wine carafe. He held the bottle for Adam to see. Adam gave his approval with a quick nod. Eric twisted off the wire and pushed the cork from the bottle. Champagne flowed freely from the top and into the carafe. After a second, the foam morphed into liquid and he poured wine into Adam’s glass. “Here we are.”

Adam lifted his glass and took a sip. Nodding a second time, the young man filled Wynn’s glass.

Eric returned the bottle to the carafe and headed for the door. “I’ll be back in a minute or two with your crab cakes.”

Adam lifted his glass. “Let’s make a toast.”

Toast? Should they be making toasts? “Sure. What are we toasting to?”

“The start of a new friendship.”

Friends? Maybe. She picked up her glass and touched it to his. “To old buddies and new friendships.”

“Excellent,” he stated, sipping from his glass. “Topic change. Who’d you marry?”

Wynn felt heat flood her cheeks. “I don’t know if you remember him. He used to come to your house when I baby-sat. Jim. Jim Harrison.”

“The jock?”

Nodding, Wynn answered, “You remember him?”

“Yeah. I never liked him.” Adam sneered. “He always treated me like a pest.”

“I’m sorry.”

Adam waved away her apology. “No problem. Trust me. I’m way over that.”

Wynn smiled.

Concern replaced the laughter on Adam’s face. “What happened?”

She stared out the window, feeling her good cheer disappear. Honestly, she didn’t know how to answer Adam’s question. “I don’t know. Things were good for a while and then one day our marriage changed. We didn’t seem to like similar things. Jim and I couldn’t watch a television show together without arguing. The kids didn’t help our situation. Jim ignored them and me. About two years ago, he moved out and in with his secretary. I’m almost embarrassed to admit it.” Her voice trembled. “My family became a cliche.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

“That’s all right. I could never regret having my boys.” Wynn waved her hands in front of her. She gave herself a mental shake. “Let’s talk about you. No girlfriend. No kids. How come?”

“Well, I’m not gay if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I didn’t think so. You’re very handsome. Upwardly mobile, and from everything I’ve seen, you’ve got your life headed in the right direction. What’s going on?”

“Fair question. I was involved with someone for a while. I thought we would be together.”

“And?” Wynn prompted.

“It went something like what happened to you. One day everything was fine and a couple of months later we were headed in different directions.”

“I think I know what you mean.”

“Let’s talk about more interesting stuff. Tell me about your boys.”

“That’s my favorite topic. They’re six and eight. I’m very lucky. They’re good kids. I’ve got one math whiz and one artist. Both are interested in Xboxes, basketball, and the movies. My weekends are spent at the Boys Club, movie theatres, and the mall.”

“It sounds like you’ve got two winners. But I’d expect nothing less from you. Is your husband involved with them?”

“Some. Not as much as I’d like. I know they miss their dad and would like to see more of him. But I can’t help that. It’s Jim’s choice whether he plays a part in their lives.”

“Trust me, they do need it. Having that male role model in a boy’s life is so important. It’s good that you keep them involved with different programs; it’ll pick up the slack of what your husband isn’t doing.”



“No problem. It’s good to hear from a male point of view.”

Adam shrugged. That sensual flame blazed from his eyes and she responded to it.

“Anytime. What do you do for yourself? How do you relax and enjoy yourself?”

Her heart began to race in her chest. Get a grip, Wynn warned silently. Just because you haven’t been with a man in two years doesn’t mean you should fall all over the first man that shows you any attention.

“I don’t have a lot of free time,” she admitted. “Between the kids and Nursing Solutions, that’s my life.”

“We’re going to have to change that.”

Before she could respond, the door opened and Eric appeared with plates filled with crab cakes and a black wire bread basket. The aroma of seafood, onion, and a hint of garlic made her mouth water.

Grinning at her, Adam said, “You’re going to love this. It’s almost impossible for me to come here and not order crab cakes.”

Eric placed the food in front of them before topping off their wineglasses. After returning the champagne bottle to the carafe, he headed to the door. “I’ll come back and take the rest of your order in a few minutes. Take your time and enjoy.”

Adam reached for the wire bread basket and offered it to Wynn. She chose one of the softly steaming rolls and buttered it. “Let’s enjoy the rest of the meal and leave the family history for another time,” Adam suggested.

“Sounds good to me.”

Once dinner concluded, Adam and Wynn returned to the main dining room and occupied a table near the stage. Richard Elliot performed a series of selections from his repertoire. For Wynn, this was a special treat because she seldom got a chance for an adult evening without her children. She kicked back and had a great old time.

Curious gazes from other patrons rested on them throughout the evening. Their scrutiny made Wynn feel a bit uncomfortable and on display. As the evening progressed and the music lulled her, she relaxed and forgot the people around them and concentrated on Richard Elliot’s sax.

Adam rested his arm on the back of her chair and she found herself leaning close to him. He ordered drinks and they sipped sparkling wine while listening to the music.

On the ride home, they chatted about their shared past and what plans they had for the future. Wynn had to admit, she hadn’t enjoyed herself so thoroughly for a very long time.

When they reached her house, Adam got out of the car, followed her up the walk and halted at the green front door. Wynn fished her house keys from the dark interior of her purse before facing Adam. The expression in his eyes made her stomach flutter. “W-w-would you like to come in for a cup of coffee?” she stammered.

“No. It’s late.” He grabbed her hand and linked their fingers. “Tonight was great. Thanks for saying yes.”

“Thank you.” Wynn smiled. “I don’t get many opportunities to go out without my kids. It was fun.”

“We’ll have to change that. Check your calendar and let’s shoot for something next week.”

Wynn hesitated. Did she really want to do this again? Was she asking for trouble? “We’ll see.” She took a step closer and raised up on her tiptoes, placing a steadying hand on his shoulder. Wynn kissed his cheek and then turned away, fumbling with her keys.

Suddenly, Adam’s hand encircled her arm. He spun her around to face him, taking a step closer. Surprised, she gasped, gazing into his face. Her heart almost stopped in her breast. His eyes were dark with intent.

He’s going to kiss me. And she wanted him to. All evening they had tiptoed around each other, trying to gain their footing. Now Adam was taking charge and she liked it. He was an attractive man who excited Wynn.

Ohmigod! Helen was right. Adam is interested in me, Wynn realized.

His head lowered and his hand settled on her cheek, tilting her chin up. He claimed her lips in a tender but passionate kiss.

All of her talk of friendship and reacquaintance disappeared the moment Adam’s lips touched hers. It was obvious that he wanted to be more than a casual friend. And at this moment she wanted nothing more than to learn the taste and texture of his kiss. The soft tangling of tongues shot through Wynn, surprising and thrilling her. Adam tasted of champagne and seafood. His kiss spoke of desire and passion. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck, pressing her body against his.

After a moment, he released her, looking deep into her eyes. He gave her one additional tender kiss before saying, “Good night. I’ll give you a call later this week.”

Nodding, she focused on opening the door and getting inside the house. All of a sudden she was all thumbs and couldn’t get the door open. He removed the ring from her hands and inserted the proper key into the lock. Within seconds the door was open. Wynn hurried inside and entered the code to deactivate the alarm system.

Adam gave her arm a quick caress before jogging down the walkway to his car.

Wynn stood in the doorway. She felt the weight of his lips on hers and a lingering hint of his cologne rose from her dress while she waited for him to drive off. She turned away when she could no longer see the red from his taillights.

Content in a way she hadn’t felt in a long while and filled with giddy nervousness, Wynn shut and locked the door before activating the alarm. She climbed the stairs to the second level, made her way to her bedroom, and crossed the floor to sink onto the comforter. She crossed her legs and removed her earrings, dropping them on the nightstand next to the bed.

Her gaze fell on the framed photo of her children. What would they think of their mother’s date?

This had been a night of surprises. The last thing she expected was to find such passion with Adam. It had astonished her to learn that he wanted and expected more than friendship. Wynn drew her legs up on the bed and settled her back against the headboard. More important, what did she want from him?

I Can Make You Love Me

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