Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 28


January 22

Still Calling His Followers

As Jesus walked alongside the Galilee Sea, he saw two brothers . . . throwing fishing nets into the sea. . . . "Come, follow me," he said, "and I'll show you how to fish for people."

—Matthew 4:18-19

If Jesus stopped by any of our towns today to call his followers, would he venture into the heart of commerce? Would he go to Wall Street and look for the biggest investment gurus or set his sights on a physician from the local hospital? It's interesting to try to imagine who he might deem to be worthy disciples, and yet one thing is clear: You would be on his list. He would call you to follow him. Today, more than anything else he wants to help you cast a bigger vision for your life, fill your nets to overflowing with the good things of God, and help to heal your wounds in any possible way. Jesus is still calling.

If you're already following him, think for a moment how that affects your daily decisions, your daily purpose. How do you align yourself with his will for your life? How often do you truly allow him to lead?

The trouble with followers sometimes is that they try to scoot ahead of their leaders, sometimes taking a wrong trail. Wherever you are today, pause a moment and reflect on who is leading your life. Are you following Jesus even now?

In the Flow

Lord, as I go about my business today, help me seek your guidance and direction. Help me be a wise and loving follower. Amen.


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