Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 30


January 24

Faith—What's Enough?

Jesus said to him, " 'If you can do anything'? All things are possible for the one who has faith." At that the boy's father cried out, "I have faith; help my lack of faith!"

—Mark 9:23-24

Most of us can empathize with the poor father who struggled with his faith in the story Mark has noted here. We want to believe. In our best moments, we do believe. In our worst moments, we question what we believe. We're not always certain we have enough of this thing called faith.

Alas, we can't buy more faith on the open market, but we may be able to buy into the concept, the idea, the fact of faith in such a way that we do indeed receive more of it. Perhaps faith is something like love. The more of it you give away, the more of it you use, the more you have. If so, why don't we look for every opportunity to share our faith, to ground our faith, to substantiate our faith in such a way that lack is never a problem? When someone we love is ill, we call on our faith knowing that with God all things are possible.

Take a moment and measure your faith quotient today. Is it enough to get you through every twist and turn the day may take? If not, start the day with one request. "Lord, help my lack of faith."

In the Flow

Lord, help me depend on faith and on you in such a way that nothing can really shake it, nothing can take it away from me. Help me know that with faith in you all things are possible. Amen.


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