Читать книгу Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite - Karl Hecht - Страница 18


10_Natural zeolite rich in silicon, is it a possible means against aluminium strain?

Yes, it is. This question can be answered by the immunologist Dr. Erwin Walraph who ran an immunology laboratory in Neubrandenburg. Dr. Erwin Walraph sent me a written personal statement on the aluminium silicon problem in connection with natural zeolite, which I would like to quote in parts: “Aluminium has different affinities to the organs”(binding attractions). Due to the fact that it generates insoluble phosphates, this element is also called “bone seeker”. Bones and muscles have comparable tissue levels. In case of daily workers, not exposed to it for professional reasons, the lungs have the highest level of aluminium, the level rises, as it is in the case of the central nervous system, with increasing age. Apart from that, Al is also stored in the liver, heart and spleen.

As far as I know, the only non-toxic aluminium is the aluminium silicate. This includes natural zeolites. Two scientific statements of the EFSA from the year 2013 confirm the safety of natural zeolite-clinoptilolites (E1g568 previously known as E568). The natural zeolite was classified according to its definition by the Regulation of the European Commission (2004) and the implementation of a new EU regulation (2013) as completely harmless with regard to the health of animals and humans.

In a clinical study (randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind) at the Medical University of Graz, the aluminium level in the serum was determined with PMA zeolite at the beginning and also at the end of a 12-week supplementation phase. There were no significant differences between the zeolite supplemented group and the placebo group. Furthermore, two long-term observations were carried out on consumers who supplemented at least 5 g of PMA zeolite for at least 1 year or 3 years every day. Seven of the participants had already consumed this amount for a period of more than 15 years. No increased aluminium levels could be found in the blood and the urine.

Pre-clinical studies that were carried out by Prof. Pavelic at the University of Rijeka show that increased aluminium levels in the plasma, liver and the lungs, caused by an intoxication with aluminium chloride, could be reduced significantly by means of administering PMA zeolite. Compared to that, control groups who did not get a treatment had increased aluminium levels. Similar results with SiO2 were documented by the US-American silicon researcher Edith M. Carlisle [1986].

Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite

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