Читать книгу Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite - Karl Hecht - Страница 5




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1What inspired you to work on zeolites?

2What are silicates?

3What is natural clinoptilolite-zeolite?

4What is montmorillonite/bentonite?

5What is the difference between bentonites and montmorillonites?

6How does the rough-structured zeolite become a consumption-friendly powder?

7Scientists, doctors and the media claim that aluminium silicates are toxic and cause Alzheimer’s disease?

8You write that water containing silicon can remove aluminium from the body?

9Are aluminium silicates not having a high percentage of aluminium?

10Natural zeolite rich in silicon, is it a possible means against aluminium strain?

11Considering that aluminium silicates are part of the earth in form of clay, loam and loess, aluminium has to be part of natural food, too?

12Aluminium is considered as a potential cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Is that true?

13What could be the causes of senile dementia, occurring more and more often?

14How can senile dementia be prevented?

15Could you explain ion exchange in a short and comprehensible way?

16Zeolite is associated with the sorbent function: what does that mean?

17What are the most important functions of natural zeolite in the human body?

18What does colloidal mean?

19What is special about natural zeolites?

20Which functional characteristics of natural zeolite can be proved in the human body?

21What does healthy lifestyle mean?

22What is actually the exact chemical composition of natural zeolites?

23Can zeolite grains get into the cells?

24How should natural zeolite be taken?

25Which daily dosage is recommended?

26Can natural zeolite be drunk with fruit juice?

27Do natural zeolites have any side effects?

28Can natural zeolite be drunk with tea?

29Can natural zeolite be also taken with other natural substances?

30Can natural zeolite be also taken with other medical drugs?

31Can natural zeolite be applied in patients with diabetes mellitus?

32Can natural zeolite stop diarrhoea?

33Is natural zeolite able to trigger allergies?

34Can natural zeolite also eliminate enzymes, vitamins and hormones?

35For how many days/months can natural zeolite be taken?

36Can natural zeolites affect the ability to drive?

37Can natural zeolite be taken with alcohol?

38Is natural zeolite a universal remedy?

39Can particles (tiny grains) of the natural zeolite powder get into the cells?

40What happens if higher doses of natural zeolite than recommended are taken?

41What are the different fields of application of natural zeolite?

42Why is healthy longevity only possible with a non-toxic human body?

43What basic conditions are the typical indications of an intoxicated human body?

44What do free radicals do in the human body when they are present?

45What is detox hygiene?

46What should be considered with regard to detox hygiene?

47Why detox hygiene with natural zeolite and/or montmorillonite?

48What is gradual intoxication?

49Are there studies on gradual intoxication?

50Are there studies proving that toxic substances are adsorbed (bound) by natural zeolite and thus decontaminated (made harmless)?

51Are different toxic substances and toxins adsorbed (bound) by natural zeolites and also synthetic zeolites?

52What are toxic substances?

53What are heavy metals? Are they always toxic (poisonous)?

54Could you provide some examples for limit values?

55How was natural zeolite applied after the reactor disaster in Chernobyl?

56Should all NPPs have zeolite reservoirs?

57Zeolite mountains for the final storage of nuclear waste?

58Are there studies on the effect of natural zeolite in case of diseases?

59Are there studies on the application of natural zeolite and montmorillonite in case of diseases?

60Are there observations on the effects of natural zeolite in case of fungal infections?

61Is it possible to carry out a treatment with natural clinoptilolite-zeolite on patients with a smoker’s leg and diabetic’s leg?

62Has natural zeolite been applied on patients with tumour diseases?

63Can drinking water, containing SiO2, prevent from tumour diseases?

64Why is silicon also referred to as being the original base mineral of our planet?

65Which characteristics make silicon dioxide (also called silicic acid) so unique?

66The Nobel prize winner Iljin Metschnikov (1845-1916) postulated: “You are as old as your connective tissue.” Is there a connection with SiO2?

67The level of silicon in the body decreases with advancing age. Is there any proof for that?

68Are there studies on the retardation of the ageing process due to SiO or the silicates natural zeolite and montmorillonite?

69What are the conclusions?

70Could you present the oldest test persons of the above-mentioned silicon study? Yes

71How do you know that your biological age is younger than the calendrical age?

72Which groups of people have a particularly high need for SiO2?

73Is there a relation between physical exercise and the effect of SiO2 in the human body?

74Can natural zeolite protect hobby athletes and competitive athletes against overload and injuries?

75Are there any studies and sports medical experiences?

76Could you explain why competitive athletes are satisfied with the intake of natural zeolite?

77Is natural zeolite a doping substance?

78What are the criteria for the effect of SiO2 in the connective tissue of the body?

79What are the consequences of shortage of silicon?

80Is it true that drinking water containing silicon can prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

81Can natural zeolite also have an effect on Alzheimer’s disease?

82Can natural zeolite prevent from osteoporosis?

83Silicon instead of calcium in therapy and prevention of osteoporosis?

84As you have already mentioned, there are artificial, i.e. synthetic zeolites How are they produced?

85Why is technology interested in zeolites?

86Why are zeolites significant for technology?

87Could synthetically produced zeolites be significant for health benefits and the medical field?

88You have characterised natural zeolite and montmorillonite as health-promoting silicates Which one is better?

89Could you describe what is specific about montmorillonites?

90Main characteristics of montmorillonites that are important for human beings because of their regulative and healing effect

91Which healing effect and other effects does the montmorillonite have?

92What is the detox effect of montmorillonite?

93Does montmorillonite remove radionuclides?

94What are the characteristics of montmorillonites?

95What does montmorillonite do against pathogenic bacteria?

96Does montmorillonite also have an anti-viral effect?

97Does montmorillonite have an anti-fungal effect?

98Montmorillonite is characterised as a pharmaceutical supply agent What does that mean?

99Special bed clothes from quartz yarn? Is that possible at all?

100There are earth-eating peoples that are called geophageous peoples Are they endangered? Earths are aluminium silicates?

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Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite

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