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CHAPTER 2 HOW TO SAVE: Finance is not a dirty word
ОглавлениеYour family may not have talked much about money, right?
Most of us certainly didn't learn much about it in school, which is thankfully changing, so that the next generation will be more clued up about money management than most of us ever were.
Talking about finance became a dirty word at some point in history, it seems. It likely had something to do with the long‐held power imbalances in relationships, such as the fact that most women stayed home and looked after the children once they were born. Many never went back to work again because of lack of opportunity or, ahem, permission.
The 1960s and 1970s started to change all that, with women heading back into the workforce in record numbers.
When we think about the hundreds of years of mainly men making all the money, then, women really haven't had long in the grand old scheme of things to learn how to make the most of theirs, have they?
One of our motivations is to help change that, so that women of any age can understand how to take charge of their own financial futures — whether they decide to partner up with a man or a woman, or not at all.
We think that improving financial literacy can only be positive for society and if we can help more women become financially independent by way of strategic property investment, then our time on this earth will have been used wisely.
We're not going to instruct you on what is the best way to invest in property, because it will be different for each and every woman.
Each of us has different hopes, dreams, and aspirations, financial or otherwise, don't we? We are all individuals who have diverse careers, incomes and responsibilities. Some of us have children and others do not. A number of us will get married in our 20s, others in our 40s, and some of us not at all.
You can see where we are going with this, can't you? Your property investment journey should be tailored and unique to you personally as well as your phase of life, and your wealth creation and retirement goals. Anyone who tells you otherwise should be given a wide berth.
Our hope is that you understand all of the ins and outs of property investment so you can make your own informed decision on what is the best path for you. Never again will a woman be hoodwinked by a spruiker if we have our way!
The first step for many women is deciding to prioritise their own financial future. The second is to save that first deposit which — we're not going to lie — has always been bloody hard.