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Photo by Phat Teddy

How To Have A Magic Day, Every Day

A fulfilling and healthy lifestyle needs to contain a balance of elements to keep you running on all levels. If you are too much in your head, on the computer all day, you’re always going to be feeling a lack, that there is something missing in your life, because you’re stuck in one place ignoring so much of the world around you. Likewise if you spend a lot of time doing things for other people and none on your own doing things for yourself, you’re going to start feeling resentful and used. We find fulfillment through service, through giving, through knowing we have done our bit that day to make the world a better place. And we need to keep that in balance with the work we do on our own inner soul growth. Too much giving and we get burnt out; too much complacency and we are not contributing to the greater good. It demands skill to keep the balance between fulfilling our roles in the world and preserving our internal core, a skill which in itself needs working on and developing throughout our lives. I believe there are five elements we need to include in our daily routines to keep whole, to keep dancing. Of course we rarely get to include them all every day, but if we make them our focus, if we keep them in balance within the week, then everything else flows around that.

1.Exercise is integral to a healthy body, oxygenating the blood and stimulating the lymph. Daily stretching helps to relieve tension and improve mental clarity, loosening mental as well as physical rigidity.

2.Love makes the world go ’round. Human beings need love to flourish as much as we need food and water. Spending time with people you treasure and who treasure you is the most important part of your day.

3.Service. What is your gift? Your unique individual special talent that no one else has. What do you love to do to make other people happy? This is your life’s work, your mission on the planet, and is usually manifold.

4.Food of love is the biggest gift we can give ourselves. Feed yourself the best organic, seasonal, local produce available, and see the world offer you the best right back at you.

5.Meditation. Time spent alone is essential for inner peace. Even if you can only find ten minutes early in the morning, that is time well spent to set your focus and intent for the day.

I have friends who are healers, singers and mothers; artists, musicians and fathers; managers, writers and chefs. Many combine something in the healing arts with something creatively expressive; many combine something more left-brain like teaching with something more right-brain like design; the vast majority do not have a “boss” but work independently. In virtually every case, what we do benefits those around us at the same time as enriching our own lives. As we come into our power, we discover these different strands to ourselves, and it becomes our passion to share these with the world. This is what we mean when we call ourselves multidimensional beings: people who are experiencing life in all its different facets, who enjoy a rich and rewarding social life, family life, love life, work life, and creative life, and who successfully dance between the different, often paradoxical aspects of themselves, by retaining a deep connection to their divinity.

The key to a happy life is simplicity and sustainability. If we are all living in tune with the environment and in harmony with our fellow beings, if we are not plundering the earth’s resources and abusing her abundance, then our needs can be met effortlessly. All the most effective tools for living are simple, easy and often free. As we come together with the same vision, we develop communities which operate harmoniously and make life even easier as we share the burdens and responsibilities of day-to-day life. We live in simple and sustainable dwellings, and we grow our food simply and sustainably; we spend our time in pursuits that give back to the earth rather than benefiting man at the earth’s expense; we use natural household and bodycare products, and clothes, bedding and towels made of fabrics like hemp and organic cotton. We don’t need endless possessions because we have inner peace, we don’t consume more than is necessary because we have inner contentment. We don’t pollute the water and the land with chemicals. This is the paradise vision: it is easy to achieve, simple to manifest, once it becomes the consensus reality. Playing in Gaia’s garden, nurturing and being nurtured, healing the planet with our love, one day at a time, one acre at a time. It’s not an impossible dream; there are communities dotted all over the world already living this way, and the more of us who move toward this vision, the more possible it becomes.

When we are flowing with the universe, the universe looks after us. When we are living in our most spiritual truth, vibrating at our highest level, magic occurs and miracles manifest. Our needs are met, we are provided for, our dreams start to come true. Synchronicities abound, joy overflows, love is everywhere. All it takes is that leap of imagination, to step out of the box, to take risks with the unknown, to not be scared of not understanding and not being in control. It just means taking small steps every day, moment by moment, and before you know it, you have the best life ever.

Raw Magic

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