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In the Craft we believe that there are many facets of the Divine. Individual Goddess and God forms have different attributes and characteristics, such as Aphrodite Goddess of Love, Mercury God of Communication, Herne Lord of the Forest, Cerridwyn Goddess of Wisdom, and many, many more. All of them, however, are linked to the cycles of life, death and rebirth, and all are in some way linked to nature and the land. Thus it is through nature, the plants, trees and herbs, etc, that we can become closer to them; closer to understanding their nature and more able to connect with them. Just as there are many Goddesses and Gods there are many ways of celebrating them within your garden – even a single plant can be your offering to the Divine. Chapter 10 lists some plants which are linked to different aspects of the Goddess and the God. But you can also dedicate a corner, or even the whole space, to a design which will help you to develop a closer relationship.

The first step is to decide which aspects of the Divine you intend to honour in the space you have available to you. If you have been practising the Craft for a while, you will already be aware of the Goddess and God forms to which you feel closest. You may even have some idea of how you would like to do this. However, you may prefer to honour the Divine in a less specific way, simply having an area set aside for meditation and contemplation of them in general. There are many shapes which are linked to the Divine and which can be introduced into your plans, such as the spiral, the triple moon , tall phallic shapes for the God of fertility, and even animal shapes such as the deer, hare, cat, etc.

This part of your garden then becomes a place where not only can you contemplate your Gods, but also a place where you can get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life; a place where you can go to meditate, or just to relax and unwind.

The Real Witches’ Garden: Spells, Herbs, Plants and Magical Spaces Outdoors

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