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Having created a quiet and tranquil part of your garden there is no limit to the ways you might use it. As mentioned before it can simply be a place where you go to take a few breaths of air and to set yourself up for the day. It might be a place of refuge where you leave behind the hectic technological world, a sanctuary from TV, the phone and the computer! Mine is a place where I remind myself daily that the Goddess and the God are all around us and that the earth is the true home of the Craft. But there are other, more formal things you can do.

Meditation and pathworking are two techniques Witches use to draw closer to the Goddess and the God, and to seek the answers to questions. Meditation is a technique of stilling the mind by focussing on a single item or concept, and a space dedicated to the Gods is an excellent place for this. Pathworking is a form of guided meditation whereby you follow a story to a deity or destination where you are given the opportunity to ask a question and receive guidance; again your area is ideal for this.

An area dedicated to the Goddess and the God is special in its own right and, if private enough, a place to perform a self-blessing. The Rite of Self-Blessing can be performed whenever you feel tired, frustrated or just in need of a lift of the spirits. Those of you who have read my other books may already be familiar with a version of it, but for those of you who haven’t, please read on.

Take a small bowl with some water into your area. Bless the water by drawing an invoking Pentagram

The Real Witches’ Garden: Spells, Herbs, Plants and Magical Spaces Outdoors

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