Читать книгу Supplier Diversity For Dummies - Kathey K. Porter - Страница 18

Examining External Drivers Redefining Supplier Diversity


As I discuss in Chapter 2, the groundwork for supplier diversity as it exists today began in the 1960s. In its early days, corporations’ motives for taking on supplier diversity may have been a little self-serving, in that they were likely more concerned about preserving their standing in the eyes of the government and maintaining their own contracts than with helping small and diverse businesses succeed. It wasn’t until the 1990s (the Right Thing to Do Era) that organizations really began to dissect their efforts and view supplier diversity as a strategic component to their overall operations. In fact, using Google Ngram, Figure 1-1 illustrates how frequently the term supplier diversity has been used in book titles, which directly coincides with key periods in its existence.

FIGURE 1-1: Supplier diversity title frequency.

Supplier diversity is once again experiencing a resurgence in organizations. In the following sections, I take a look at some of the societal factors driving this resurgence.

Supplier Diversity For Dummies

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