Читать книгу Our Social World - Kathleen Odell Korgen - Страница 66

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The flow diagram illustrating the model in social life is as follows:

 Micro:Me, within parenthesis, my family and close friends.Local organizations and community. My school, place of worship, hangouts.

 Meso:National organizations, institutions, and ethnic subcultures. My political party, ethnic affiliation.

 Macro:Society. Type of national government and economic system.Global community. United Nations, world bank, doctors without borders, multinational corporations.

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The different occupation categories that sociology graduates get as their first job is as follows:

 Social Services or Counsellors, 21.9 percent.

 Administrative support or clerical, 16.7 percent.

 Sales or marketing, 12.6 percent.

 Teachers or librarians, 11.7 percent.

 Service occupations, within parenthesis, Police or Cooks, 9.3 percent.

 Other professional, within parenthesis, (Prog. Asst.; IT or PR, 9.3 percent.

 Management related, 7.7 percent.

 Social science researcher, 5.3 percent.

 Other, 5.9 percent.

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The flow diagram illustrating the model in social life is as follows:

 Micro:Me, within parenthesis, my family and close friends.Local organizations and community. My school, place of worship, hangouts.

 Meso:National organizations, institutions, and ethnic subcultures. My political party, ethnic affiliation.

 Macro:Society. Type of national government and economic system.Global community. United Nations, world bank, doctors without borders, multinational corporations.

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The loss events that occurred during the year 2017 geographically are as follows:

Geophysical events, within parenthesis, Earthquake, tsunami, volcanic activity:

 Earthquake in Iran, Iraq.

 Earthquake in Mexico.

 Other smaller events are spread through Greenland, Europe, Russia, and China.

Meteorological events, within parenthesis, tropical storm, extratropical storm, convective storm, local storm.

 Typhoon Hato in China.

 Typhoon Temblin in Philippines.

 Cyclone Debbie in Australia.

 Hurricane Maria in Caribbean.

 Hurricane Irma in Caribbean, North America.

 Hurricane Harvey in USA.

 Other minor events are densely widespread throughout Asia, Europe, and North America.

Hydrological events, within parenthesis, Flood, mass movement:

 Flood, Landslide, China.

 Flood, South Asia.

 Landslide, Sierra Leone.

 Flood, Landslide, Peru.

 Other minor events are densely widespread throughout Asia, Europe, and a few African countries, and lightly spread throughout North and South America, and Australia.

Climatological events, within parenthesis, extreme temperature, drought, forest fire.

 Winter damage, frost in Europe.

 Drought, Western and Southern Europe.

 Wildfire, within parenthesis, Knysna fire, South Africa.

 Wildfire, within parenthesis, LNU complex fires, USA.

 Wildfire, within parenthesis, Thomas fire, USA.

 Other minor events occurred densely in Europe, USA. A few events also occurred in Africa, China, and Russia.

Our Social World

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