Читать книгу Our Social World - Kathleen Odell Korgen - Страница 79

Critique of the Structural-Functional Perspective.


Some ideas put forth by functional theorists are so abstract that they are difficult to test with data. Moreover, functionalism does not explain social changes in society, such as conflict and revolution. It assumes a stable world. As we try to understand the many societal upheavals in the world, from suicide bombings in major cities to economic ups and downs in stock markets and trade relations, it is clear that dramatic social change is possible. The functionalist assumption is that if a system is running smoothly, it must be working well because it is free from conflict. It assumes that conflict is harmful, even though we know that stability may come about because of ruthless dictators suppressing the population. In short, stability is not always good, and conflict signifies tensions in societies.

Thinking Sociologically

Describe a manifest and a latent function of the system of higher education in the United States today. Is the latent function dysfunctional? Why or why not?

Our Social World

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