Читать книгу The Entrepreneurial Mom's Guide to Running Your Own Business - Kathryn Bechthold - Страница 9

1.5 Do I remember to act reasonably when I discipline my children?


Do I act reasonably when I discipline my children or am I so stressed out that I scream like a banshee when they play “how far can my booger fly”? As a kid, you always see those moments when your mom and your friends’ moms lose it and fly off the handle. Whether it was you picking your nose in church or when your friends festively planted salami in your Christmas tree on your 14th birthday, there are times when all moms morph instantaneously into something out of The Exorcist. I have found a direct correlation between my work becoming too busy and me flying off the handle. Although sometimes warranted, I want to make sure when I fly off the handle it is for the right reasons and not because I haven’t set appropriate boundaries for myself in my work.

The Entrepreneurial Mom's Guide to Running Your Own Business

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