Читать книгу Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Sharks! - Katie Tsang - Страница 29


‘Okay, everyone,’ said Betty the guide,

leading us over to what looked like a pool of

sea monsters, ‘it’s time for the petting

tank! Everyone is going to get a turn to

touch some of their favourite sea creatures.

We’ve got starfish, sea slugs and

stingrays! Who wants to go first?’

I stared at Aquarium Guide Betty. ‘Touch

. . . a stingray?’ Didn’t Betty hear herself?

It says STING in the name! Who would want

to touch a STINGray? That’s like asking,

‘Who wants to pet this SPIKY porcupine? Or

this POISONOUS scorpion?’

‘We’ve got a volunteer!’ said Betty. She

reached out and pulled me forwards.

‘Sam won’t do it!’ Ralph said with a

snort. ‘He’s too scared.’


Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Sharks!

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