Читать книгу Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Sharks! - Katie Tsang - Страница 39


‘Did you know that sharks are older

than dinosaurs?’ said tour-guide Betty.

‘They’ve been around for over FOUR


Bernard gasped. As I said, he loves facts.

He raised his hand. ‘Does that mean that

they are like dinosaurs that live in the sea?’

‘Kind of!’ said Betty. ‘But unlike the

dinosaurs, they’ve managed to survive all

these years. Masters of survival!’

And then I saw one. My very first shark

sighting. It was NOT going to be my last.

It looked just like the sharks in the

movies but BIGGER and MEANER. It

had big black eyes and rows and rows of

razor-sharp teeth. And I was sure it was

looking right at me.


Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Sharks!

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