Читать книгу Happiness Is Just a Breath Away - Kawena - Страница 11

Chapter 1


Happiness begins at home – Self Respect

true success in life is measured by The level of happIness you create for yourself no maTTer how rIch or poor you are.

inTeresTed in This


Then read on.



Many years ago when a teacher of self confidence told our class, “you must learn to put yourself first” I thought “how selfish is that?”

Now when I repeat that sentence to my class I get the same reaction. It seems nothing has changed. Like other helpers and self sacrificers I had to learn that if I didn’t look after me, I might end up not able to help anyone – even myself.

We can end up physically, mentally and emotionally drained trying to please everyone and in the end nobody wins and you could even need help yourself.

In the end I found that as I valued myself more my confidence and self respect grew, and so can yours.

Be your own self nurturer and you’ll also be able to help those around you more, and be a shining example to others.

Develop a happy, cheerful personality and you’ll attract new like minded friends into your life.

One thing I have learned is that the more you learn about a given subject the more there is to learn. It is amazingly never ending.

Life’s certainly interesting if we let it be.

One of my mum’s favourite sayings was, “THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN” and that was about sixty years ago. Even that far back her explanation was that all information is on what she called, “THE ETHER” ready for us to tap into.

Over the years I have read thousands of books, attended dozens of workshops and listened to hundreds of tapes and CD’s.

In doing all this I have learned that nothing has basically changed, just added to from others and my own experiences.

I do find it quite funny that modern science in its effort to disprove our beliefs has often proved them right.

Often I pick up an old Edgar Cayce book or Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale and others and realise how timeless they are and that modern books, including my own are simply an extension of the originals written and added to for modern times.

Sometimes in my researching those books I am surprised to find what I thought was modern “lingo” already written and even explained then. There truly is nothing new under the sun.









can do It!!

the wow factor







noT The

woe path!!

iT’s Time To

give yourself


new makeover




Then The ouTside

will look afTer iTself

iT’s Time To sTarT.


the art of beIng happy.

It’s time to start learning to be happy while you are waiting for your dreams to fall into place, then they will come much faster that you expected.

Don’t wait till you receive the million dollars – the Rolls Royce – the flash house. Practice being happy each day as it comes.

Make the effort to think yourself happy and you’ll be happy with or without the goodies, and when they do come it’s a great bonus.

the goodIes then, are just the IcIng on the cake!

Go to www.expandingenergies.com.au for Happiness Affirmations by Kawena

the art of beIng happy

is easy when you know



is like learning The


The more you


The better you geT.

if we wanT happIness we musT InvIte It inTo our lIves.

we have To puT the welcome mat ouT.

iT won’T come

of iTs’ own accord.

we need To do The work

To earn iT, because we

alone are responsible

for our own happiness.



brIngs happIness.

iT’s not possIble


Think happy



aT The



gettIng the happIness habIt.

pracTice being happy

wiTh The small Things

and The big Things

will follow.

The more we insisT

on being happy

The more we wIll be.

The more we insisT

on being unhappy

The more we wIll be.

iT is always

our choice.


if we are

tall – short – bIg – small – black – whIte – or yellow

on The ouTside,

iT maTTers noT.

Each human being is an absolutely amazing original creation, and we need to know what’s going on in the inside. Keep yourself clean and tidy, do the best on the outside presentation then forget it and focus on what is going on internally.

When we start really getting to know ourselves amazing things start to happen on the outside. You’ll find that your new enthusiasm, joy and happiness bring a special glow with them and when we learn to value that unique person we truly are, our happiness shows in our face. Also in learning to build up our own confidence and self esteem we are automatically learning how to guide others in the future when they need help. It is even more interesting when you realise you have become your own spirit lifter, and that’s another WOW Factor, a real plus on your new journey forward.

we all have limiTless poTenTial

It is so sad so many of us never reach it.

Also, so many of us never ever realise what our true talents are, and when we do understand what our talents are, we are too fearful to put them out there

whaT a wasTe To The world.

Come to www.expandingenergies.com.au to receive your copy of: Confidence Affirmations by Kawena

The need to encourage each other in this direction has never been more important or more available.

It’s time to share, teach and

guide others to what we have

learned in a big way.

We are fast becoming more aware of our own greatness and potential, so open up, be brave, the age of information is truly here, there is so much to hand and so many opportunities to learn and put that learning into action.

By spreading our knowledge and talents across the planet much more satisfaction and happiness comes to us.


But we are now becoming more aware of our own possibilities and potential.

So open up, be bold and begin to go forward.


The main thing to remember here is it’s ok to make mistakes.

We were born to do just that so we can learn lessons and become strong.

iT is Time To slow d-o-w-n To meeT The real you. some of us are so busy racIng through lIfe our focus becomes blurred and our senses become numbed.

so we do miss The

wonderful naTural

beauTy ThaT is waiTing

for us To observe and

tune Into enthusIasm.

The word enthusIasm comes from The greek word entheos which means in god.

Think wiTh


Talk wiTh


acT wiTh


pracTice loving


your life and oThers wiTh



For the last fifty years I have seen spiritual information slowly filtering through and now it is reaching crescendo point which tells us that we are not on our human journey but on our soul journey.

Recognising this gives us creative power over our own lives.

I can only think of the soul as coming from our enthusiasm, passion and energy levels. The part of us that looks for the truth; the positive, the loving and the exciting part of ourselves and others. When we think about it, it makes sense when we realise the word enthusiasm is taken from the Greek word entheos which means “IN GOD.” The human mind mostly tells us all the reasons why we can’t follow our amazing dreams.

spiriT QuieTly says leT’s go!

It’s interesting to think that what we call our “higher self” is our soul connection to God.

Some of us call it the God spark within. With this new surge of spiritual and planetary energy we are becoming so eager to learn more of our soul’s journey and this whole (new) concept of who and what we are, it seems the information we so crave is finally being unleashed and the understanding and excitement is building up.

It is so gratifying to see so many people in higher places tapping into this new wave of empathy and understanding eg. Governments, religions and even the rich people are sharing more than ever as they realise we are all part of each other.

We are finally beginning to

take responsibility for our own

lives and actions.

Deep down inside I feel a quiet happiness when I hear others accepting that they are their own co-creators. With this awareness I feel

There is greaT hope for

The fuTure.

Happiness Is Just a Breath Away

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