Читать книгу American Civil War For Dummies - Keith D. Dickson - Страница 89

Understanding the Basics of War


When the existing unfavorable conditions between states (or nations) can no longer be tolerated, there is a resort to armed force called war. War, in essence, is a contest of wills in which the opponents employ armed violence against each other to compel a change favorable to the state. The victor in war is the state that breaks the other’s will to resist. The outcome of the contest is defined in political terms. Thus, wars are fought for political objectives, but are motivated by fear, or interests related to security or survival, or prestige. Note that the first part of this book focuses on the political struggle between the North and South to establish the reasons for the war. All three of these motivations played a part in bringing the war about.

American Civil War For Dummies

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