Читать книгу American Civil War For Dummies - Keith D. Dickson - Страница 91

Strategy and tactics


Military operations are divided into strategy and tactics. Strategy directs armies into designated geographical regions to accomplish broad objectives defined by the political leadership. Armies in turn design campaigns — a series of battles and engagements intended to accomplish the assigned strategic objectives. Tactics deal with the way battles are fought, usually by organizations below army level (a corps, division, or brigade, for example). In summary:

 Strategy: The art and science of designing military campaigns to achieve the objective of the war

 Tactics: The art of employing armed units on the battlefield

The last few paragraphs give you the basics — a definition of war and the three concepts that determine the conduct of war: Strategy determines how a state’s military capabilities will be used to achieve the objectives of the war. Campaigns are designed to employ military forces to fulfill the strategic objective. Tactics are the method military units employ to fight battles.

American Civil War For Dummies

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