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Some abbreviations used only within a figure, table or box, and defined there, are not included here. Some abbreviations are given in the text not because the terms are used frequently, but because the substance in question is often better known by its abbreviation. In such cases, if the abbreviation only occurs in one limited section, it will not be listed here.

ABC (G5, G8, etc.) ATP-binding cassette-containing protein-G5, G8 etc.
ACAT acyl-Coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase
ACC acetyl-CoA carboxylase
ACCORD Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme
ACS acyl-CoA synthase
ACSL long-chain acyl-CoA synthase
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone (corticotrophin)
ADH antidiuretic hormone
ADP adenosine 5′-diphosphate
AEE activity energy expenditure
AGE advanced glycation end-product
AgRP Agouti-related protein
AIDS Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome
ALT alanine aminotransferase
AMP adenosine 5′-monophosphate
AMPK AMP-activated protein kinase
ANP atrial natriuretic peptide
APOA, B, C, E, etc. apolipoprotein A,B,C,E, etc.
ARB angiotensin receptor blocker
AST aspartate aminotransferase
ATGL adipose triacylglycerol (or triglyceride) lipase
ATP adenosine 5′-trisphosphate
BAT brown adipose tissue
BCAA branched chain amino acid
BCAT branched chain amino acid aminotransferase
BCKD(C) branched chain 2-oxoacid (α-ketoacid) dehydrogenase (complex)
BMCP1 brain mitochondria carrier protein 1
BMI body mass index
BMR basal metabolic rate
BNP brain natriuretic peptide
cAMP cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP)
CARS compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome
CAT-1, 2 carnitine-acyl transferase-1, 2
CCK cholecystokinin
CETP cholesteryl ester transfer protein
cGMP cyclic guanosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate (cyclic GMP)
CHD coronary heart disease
ChRE carbohydrate response element
ChREBP carbohydrate response element binding protein
CIM critical illness myopathy
CIP critical illness polyneuropathy
CNP C-type natriuretic peptide
CNS central nervous system
CoA coenzyme A
CoASH coenzyme A reduced form
CoQ10 ubiquinone
CPT-1, 2 carnitine-palmitoyl transferase-1, 2
CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
DHA docosahexaenoic acid (22 : 6 n-3)
D-2HG D-2-hydroxyglutarate
DIT diet-induced thermogenesis
DPP Diabetes Prevention Program
EDRF endothelial-derived relaxing factor
EE energy expenditure
eIF eukaryotic initiation factor
eNOS endothelial NO synthase
ER endoplasmic reticulum
ERK extracellular signal-regulated kinase
FABP(pm) fatty acid binding protein (plasma membrane isoform)
FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide (oxidised form)
FADH2 flavin adenine dinucleotide (reduced form)
FAT fatty acid translocase
FATP fatty acid transport protein
FFM fat-free mass
FGF fibroblast growth factor
FH familial hypercholesterolaemia
FIL feedback inhibitor of lactation
FoxO Forkhead box ‘Other’
FQ food quotient
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
FXR farnesoid X-receptor
G Gibbs ‘free’ energy
G6-P glucose 6-phosphate
GDP guanosine 5′-diphosphate
GH growth hormone
GHSR growth hormone secretagogue receptor
GIP gastric inhibitory polypeptide, also known as glucose-dependent insulinotrophic polypeptide
GK glucokinase
GLP (1 and 2) glucagon-like peptide-1 and -2
GLUT glucose transporter
GOAT ghrelin-O-acyltransferase
GPAT glycerol phosphate-acyl transferase
GPCR G protein-coupled receptor
GPIHBP1 glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1
GR glucocorticoid receptor
GSK glycogen synthase kinase
GTP guanosine 5′-trisphosphate
HDAC histone deacetylation/deacetylase
HDL high density lipoprotein
HIF-1 hypoxia-inducible factor-1
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HK hexokinase
HMG-CoA 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA
hPL human placental lactogen
HSL hormone-sensitive lipase
5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine
IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IGF insulin-like growth factor
IL interleukin
IMM inner mitochondrial membrane
JAK originally Just Another Kinase; redesignated JAnus Kinase
K a dissociation constant for an acid
K m Michaelis constant
LADA latent autoimmune diabetes in adults
LCAD long-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase
LCAT lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase
LDL low-density lipoprotein
LH luteinising hormone
LPL lipoprotein lipase
LXR liver X-receptor
MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase
MET (unit of work): 1 MET = resting metabolic rate
MI myocardial infarction
MODS multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
MODY maturity-onset diabetes of the young
Mr relative molecular mass
mRNA messenger-RNA
MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone
mTOR mammalian (or mechanistic) Target Of Rapamycin
NAD+, NADH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (+, oxidised form; H, reduced form)
NADP+, NADPH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (+, oxidised form; H, reduced form)
NAFLD non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Nam nicotinamide
Nampt nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transferase
NEAT non-exercise activity thermogenesis
NEFA non-esterified fatty acid
NHS DPP NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
NPC1L1 Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1
NPR-A natriuretic peptide-A receptor
NPY neuropeptide Y
OMM outer mitochondrial membrane
PAMPs pathogen-associated molecular patterns
PCSK9 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9
PDC pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
PDH pyruvate dehydrogenase
PDX1 pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1
PET positron emission tomography
PFK phosphofructokinase
PGC PPAR-γ co-activator
Pi, PPi inorganic phosphate, pyrophosphate
PKA protein kinase-A (cAMP-dependent protein kinase)
PKC protein kinase-C
PKG protein kinase-G (cGMP-dependent protein kinase)
POMC pro-opiomelanocortin
PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
PPI proton pump inhibitor
PTHrP parathyroid hormone-related protein
RAAS renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
RAGE receptor for advanced glycation end-products
RAS renin-angiotensin system
REE resting energy expenditure
RER respiratory exchange ratio
ROS reactive oxygen species
RQ respiratory quotient
RXR retinoid X receptor
SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus
SGLT sodium-glucose cotransporter
SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome
SNP single-nucleotide polymorphism
SOS Swedish Obesity Study
SR scavenger receptor
SREBP (-1c, -2) sterol regulatory element binding protein (1c, 2)
STAT Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription
T3 tri-iodothyronine
T4 thyroxine
TAG or TG triacylglycerol
TCA (cycle) tricarboxylic acid (cycle)
TEE total energy expenditure
TICE trans-intestinal cholesterol efflux
TNFα tumour necrosis factor-α
TNFR1, TNFRSF1A TNF receptors
TR thyroid hormone receptor
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
TTO (loop) transcription translation oscillating loop
TZD thiazolidinedione
UCP1,2,3 uncoupling protein 1, 2, 3
UDP-GlcNAc uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucosamine
UKPDS United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study
USF-1 upstream stimulatory factor-1
VCO2 rate of CO2 production
VLDL very-low-density lipoprotein
V max maximal velocity of a reaction
VO2 (max) (maximal) rate of O2 consumption
Human Metabolism

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