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What causes someone to become a drug addict?


Figure 1. A biopsychosocial model of drug addiction. The combination and interaction of biological, psychological, and social risk factors in the development of drug addiction.

Biological, psychological, and social factors are all known to play a role in why someone becomes addicted to drugs.4, 12, 13, 16 The combination and interaction of these factors increase one’s risk of becoming an addict (see Figure 1 below).4, 12, 13, 16 Biological risk factors for substance abuse include things like genetics (e.g., having a biological relative who was an addict) or being less sensitive to a drug’s effect. 4, 12, 13, 16 According to NIDA, “genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a person’s vulnerability to addiction, including the effects of environment on gene expression and function.”17 Psychological factors like one’s personality or temperament style (e.g., the tendency to be impulsive, attracted to excitement, or intolerant of frustration) can also play a role in the development of an addiction. 4, 12, 13, 16 Lastly, social factors can also greatly increase one’s risk of becoming an addict.

For example, stressful life events (e.g., a death in the family, losing a job, or failing a test) or living in an environment that promotes drug use (e.g., living in a neighborhood where drugs are easily accessible or living in a college dorm where binge drinking is commonplace) can all contribute to the development of an addiction. 4, 12, 13, 16

A Parent's Guide to Substance Abuse and Addiction

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