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With a painful cry, Sienna felt herself snatched, bodily, from Mac’s lap and thrown to the floor. Disoriented, she was barely able to catalog the swift movement from the man who had been inches away from giving her the ultimate pleasure.

She scrambled to her feet, only to encounter Damian’s twisted, red, angry face, his hand raised, fist closed, prepared to strike her. She covered her arms over her head, readying herself for the blow.

Instead of feeling a fist connecting painfully with her jaw, she saw Mac towering over Damian. He grabbed Damian’s much smaller clenched fist within his and spun him around.

“Don’t fucking touch her,” Mac barked.

“Get your damn hands off me!”

Posturing, aware of the small audience now paying avid attention to the threesome in the dark corner, Damian wouldn’t back down, Sienna knew, despite the fear she saw blazing in his dark brown eyes.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Dragged abruptly from the hot feel of her body riding him, Mac quickly jumped to his feet once Sin had been torn from his lap and stood, cowering. He grabbed the smaller man’s hand before he could hit Sin.

“Nothing, Damian! I was just giving the man a dance. What the hell are you doing?” she hissed, glancing around at the small group of onlookers, who boldly watched the drama unfold.

“Dancing, my ass, bitch! You were fucking him! This ain’t that kind of place. If you wanna whore, you need to take that shit somewhere else.”

Had Mac been in the frame of mind to laugh, he would have done so, outright, at the comment. He knew for a fact the Sweet Kitty offered much more than stripping and lap dances, if the price was right.

But at the moment, he had more pressing things to take care of. He tightened his hold on Marks’s hand, and watched in satisfaction when Damian nearly buckled to the floor in pain.

He had been completely enthralled by Sin’s overwhelming, yet unique, womanly smell; the scent of their combined lust; and the way she danced in his lap, grinding her sweet pussy on his dick, as she uttered the small, helpless cries of pleasure.

He wanted nothing more than to unzip his pants, release himself, grab her by the back of her hair, and slam his body into hers, repeatedly, driving his dick as far into her wet, slick heat as he could, until he reached the back of her womb.

Mac couldn’t believe he’d gotten so caught up that he hadn’t noticed Marks approaching them.

From the first moment he’d laid eyes on her dancing on the stage, working her agile body on the thick pole, she’d been working him into a sexual frenzy.

All frustrated sexual thoughts were cast aside as he easily crushed Marks’s hand within his. He ignored Damian’s frantic cries for Mac to release him. Instead, he concentrated solely on Sienna as she stood helpless. A red haze of anger clouded his vision.

“If you so much as lay a goddamn pinky finger on her, I’ll rip your ass apart.” He raised his other fist, the image of smashing the motherfucker’s face paramount in his mind.

Sienna leaped from her crouching position and grabbed Mac’s thick forearm, moments before it connected with Damian’s jaw.

“Stop it, please! Just let him go!”

It took both of her hands to circle his thick bicep, yet her fingers couldn’t connect around the corded muscles bunching beneath them.

For long, tense moments she held on, until she felt his muscles loosen. Still, he maintained his grasp on Damian’s fist. Sienna glanced at Damian and saw the deep-red flush line his pale skin. She thought if Mac didn’t release his hold soon, he’d break Damian’s hand.

Mac turned to her, his jaw clenched, an angry glint in his eyes the only testimony to his rage. “Get your stuff. You’re coming with me,” he said.

“What? She ain’t going no—” Damian’s words were cut off in a strangled gasp.

He wanted to take her with him! She wanted to leave with him, leave Damian and the Sweet Kitty far behind. God, she wanted to go, so badly. She wanted to run and never look back.

“Ja-Jacob,” Damian uttered the one name, he knew, would keep her in check.

She couldn’t leave.

Her brother’s face flashed before her eyes. Despite the pain in Damian’s eyes, the threat of what he could, and would, do to Jacob shone brightly in his eyes. He’d come after her. After Jacob.

With a cry in her heart, she turned to Mac. “I can’t.”

His unwavering stare held a hint of softness, one at odds with his overall hard exterior. The look in his eyes silently asked her if that was what she wanted. Sienna could only turn away, unable to hold his gaze.

He turned back to Damian, any traces of softness left his eyes, and his face hardened.

“I’m watching your ass.”

He finally released his hold on Damian, and Damian leaped from his cowering position, massaging his knuckles. He turned to the small group of gawking onlookers.

“This ain’t no damn show. Get the fuck out of here or go back to what your asses came here for!”

He straightened his clothes and reached for Sienna.

Mac grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and hauled him close, Damian’s feet dangling inches from the floor.

“Remember what I said, motherfucker. I’m watching you. Touch her again and you’re a dead man.” With that, he released Damian and strode out of the club.

Sienna watched him leave, her heart thudding loudly in her ears, wanting to cry out for him to come back to her.

She turned to Damian. “Don’t you ever, ever think your ass can get away with pulling shit like that with me. I will leave one day. And there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it!” She straightened her shoulders, swallowed her fear, and looked him dead in the eye.

Get Your Sexy On

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