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God, what in hell was she going to do? How would she ever escape Damian or the club now? How could she, when she knew Damian was capable, and willing, to carry out his ugly threats against her brother?

After Mac left, Damian told her to get on the stage, excusing her from any further lap dances. She didn’t question why, but gratefully left the floor and prepared to dance.

Sienna was on pins and needles for the rest of the evening. Between fear of Damian’s reprisal and furtive glances over the audience looking for Mac, she missed steps and performed on automatic, not into the dance or the stage as she normally was.

When Damian left the club early, leaving his manager to close, some of the queasy feelings in her gut went away.

The evening passed without a return appearance from Mac. For that, Sienna didn’t know if she should be happy or sad.

In the end, she was grateful when the club closed and she cashed out for the night, collecting her money, with no more interactions from either man.

Presently she couldn’t think about any of the drama that had transpired earlier. She needed time. Time to plan and to figure out what—how—she could get away, and take her brother with her.

Her first priority was to make sure Jacob was safe. Everything else was secondary to Jacob’s protection. If that meant she had to figure out another way to get away from Damian, then she would, without jeopardizing Jacob’s safety.

She sighed and shoved aside the fear for the moment. She couldn’t wait to get home. As soon as she stepped through the door, she planned to snatch the itchy wig off her head, take a long, hot shower, and crawl into bed, assuming the fetal position and going to sleep.

“I’ll probably cry myself to sleep thinking of all this mess,” she murmured out loud.

As soon as she spoke, she knew she sounded pitiful, but damn if it wasn’t true. A good cry, get it all out, and then she could wrap her brain around what she needed to do in order to save both her brother and herself.

The cool air brushed against her skin, and goose bumps peppered her flesh when she stepped out of the club. She gathered the ends of her old faux-fur coat closer, wrapping the ties around her body to ward off the chill.

She bowed her head while the wind whipped the strands of the blond wig around her face. The only sound in the nearly deserted parking lot was the rushed, rhythmic, staccato tap of her stilettos against the cement.

“I waited for you.”

Sienna’s steps came to a halt when the deep voice carried along the wind, like notes to a familiar song.

“Wha-what are you doing here?” She clutched the ends of her coat closer, staring at the man, nearly camouflaged, leaning casually against the door of a gleaming black SUV. After what had happened, she thought she’d most likely never see him again.

“We have unfinished business.”

Her heart stuttered against her breast—fear, nerves, and arousal all warred for dominance. Mac unfurled his long frame from leaning against his car and ambled toward her.

“What are you doing here?” The catch in her voice was discernible to her own ears. He stood tall, so dominating over her. She took a small step back and caught herself. Stiffening her back, she straightened her body and plastered what she hoped was an indifferent look on her face.

“That should be fairly obvious.” He reached a long finger out and moved strands of hair away from her face.

Sienna shivered, but not from the chill in the air, but, instead, from the electric bolt that shot through her from his casual touch. She averted her face and his finger slid away, softly feathering her cheek.

“Whatever you thought was going to happen, isn’t.” She turned to go. He caught her arm, preventing her from leaving, forcing her to look at him. “Look, I’m tired. I just want to go home. Please let me go.” She whispered the words.

“Come home with me.”

The quiet demand in his voice brooked no argument. Helpless, she gazed up at him. “I can’t—”

“Yes, you can. Just say yes,” he returned, and the light from the moon cast a sensual luster to his stern, handsome features. “Please,” he added.

He pulled her into his arms, holding her briefly. She buried her nose in the vee of his neck and breathed in his spicy masculine scent, wanting, needing, this man for this space of time. His hand came out to stroke the top of her head, reassuring in its casualness.

She leaned back in his embrace and studied his face. His chiseled chin, the hard line of his jaw, and the strong, yet sensual, curve of his lips conjured up hot images of the two of them, naked, bodies twined as he made love to her.

No, he wouldn’t make love to her. That was too tame, and he was far too hard of a man to do anything tame. He’d devour her. He’d pin her down to the bed and rock into her, relentlessly. She wouldn’t be able to do anything but allow him to have his way with her in any way he chose.

Sienna knew she would surrender, welcome his every heated demand. This moment had been building for a week, one that was inevitable, destined to happen from the moment he’d come to the Sweet Kitty.

She made a decision, and she refused to delve into the reasons for it. She chose to only listen to her heart, for once, and nothing else. If only for one night, he would be hers.

“Yes,” she finally answered.

He pulled her toward him and covered her mouth with his. His hard mouth slanted over hers in a hot, turgid kiss. As quickly as he began to devour her mouth, he released her.

Her eyes locked with his. His face was starkly highlighted against the light gleaming from the moon and the harsh lights in the parking lot. The look on his face was frightening in its intensity. Sienna felt like running fast and far away from the hot promise in his light gray eyes.

He must have read her intent. He gathered her beneath the shelter of his arms and, with her in tow, briskly walked back toward his SUV.

“I’ll drive. We can pick up your car later.”

Get Your Sexy On

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