Читать книгу Up In Flames - Kira Sinclair - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

I’m so lucky to count several firefighters among my personal friends. They’re the most honorable, dedicated and brave men and women I’ve ever met. As you can imagine, it was easy to envision a hero that possessed these same qualities. A man no one—including my heroine—could help but fall for...twice.

Erik McKnight definitely fits that bill, risking his own life over and over to save others. So what if he’s got a reckless streak and a guilty conscience no sacrifice can seem to assuage? That is, until he returns home and finally confronts the chain of events that cost him everything—including the only woman he’s ever loved.

In the course of writing Up in Flames I had the honor of accompanying several local firefighters on a ride-along. The guys were more than willing to share all the aspects of their job, giving me an amazing glimpse into the reality of their lives. We won’t talk about how the jacket absolutely swallowed me whole! Or how inadequate I felt watching them move like a well-oiled machine to help someone with a serious medical issue. But we can talk about how that experience solidified for me just how much we all owe these men and women who sacrifice time from their families in order to protect others.

I’ve been privileged over the past few years to support a charity that provides financial support to local firefighters who are sick or injured. If you’d like to donate, please feel free to visit www.imathlete.com/donate/brothersforlifebenefitfund.

I hope you enjoy reading Erik and Lola’s story! I’d love to hear from you at kirasinclair.com, or come chat with me on Twitter, @KiraSinclair.

Best wishes,


Up In Flames

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