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Instead of introduction


Being a mom is a real art. For every parent, the birth of children becomes a transformational period, a period of difficulties and stress, in which the most terrible thing is to lose yourself.

I know from personal experience that being a mom is a hard and exhausting work. It requires unconditional devotion, dedication and love. Mom is an eternal lack of sleep, apathy and great responsibility. Mom is a job without days off, vacations and holidays. Like a multidisciplinary specialist, mom combines the roles of a nanny, educator, teacher, psychologist, doctor, cook, seamstress and cleaner. What is she trying to do? The most valuable reward for a mother is a happy and healthy child.

In this book, I would like to tell a personal story of transformation. The main role is played by a mother who excelled in the art of self—discovery and managed to remember herself, her desires and aspirations. This story proves that change is possible, even if it seems improbable.

I invite you to take a journey through the pages of books filled with inspiration. Remember that a child’s happiness depends on the moral and physical condition of his mother. I wish you, like the heroine of this story, to find inner harmony. The short recommendations recorded at the end of each chapter will help you with this. Have a nice trip!

With love and gratitude,

Elena Tiranova.

You have yourself. Diary of a Tired Mom

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