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In this era of self-gratification, these articles by Utkarsh Dixit, confirm the need for oneself to move outside of our self-indulging lifestyle and thought patterns and look towards the environment that essentially envelops our realm.

The writer, in his essays, has taken up such needful concerns that are meaningfully linked with the aggravating challenges of modernity and are doubtlessly thought provoking for all the members of our global human community. The beauty of the language is its simplicity that offers vividness.

It is therefore certain that all these translations from English to Russian language, in all their impeccability will encourage a wide range of future translators.

– Dr. Mrityunjay Rao Parmar Assistant Professor, Department of English and Modern European Languages, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, India.

Penta bilingual. Five essays in English-Russian on tropical issues

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