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Unit 2
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Настоящее совершенное длительное время


This tense is used:

• for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present.

They have been playing «catch me, Monster’ since early morning. (They’re still playing.)

• for past actions of certain duration which have visible results or effects, in the present.

– Kudjo is very tired. He has been teaching his pet all day long.

to express irritation, anger, annoyance, explanation or criticism.

– Who has been eating my treats? (showing anger)

to put emphasis on duration, usually with for, since or how long.

– I’ve been teaching him since yesterday.

• The form is: Subject + have / has been + verb -ing.

– Kudjo has been trying to feed his pet since the morning.


Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous:

1 Dradjo /protect/ Kudjo’s sleep since lunch.

2 Kudjo /train/ Dradjo for three months.

3 Why are you so wet? – I /run/ in the rain.

4 Kudjo and Dradjo /live/ together for a few months.

5 Drajo /learn/ Doggish since Monday.

6 They /watch/a sci-fi movie about dragons for an hour.

the question form is:

(Question word) +have/has + subject + been Ving?

How long has Kudjo been sleeping?

the negative form is: Subject + have / has + not + been + Ving.

Drajo hasn’t been calling Kudjo as Mummy since their first training.


Find the proper verb and put it into the correct Present Perfect Continuous form: relax, do, live, wander, gnaw, eat, look for

1 What you ***** in the attic since the morning? – I’ve been ***** a mouse-trap.

2 How long you ***** this bone? – I’ve been doing it for two days.

3 I ***** since yesterday. I’m as hungry as a hunter.

4 Where you ***** all day?

5 We ***** for ages. We must recharge our batteries.

6 How long *****in this house on your own? – Since last summer.


Kudjo has found several things that made him annoyed. Try to guess the question he is asking:

For example,

The mat is covered in bread crumbles. – Who has been eating sandwiches on my mat?!

1 The fridge is half-empty. —

2 The toy is broken. —

3 The floor is dirty. —

4 The house looks messy. —

5 There’s a lot of water on the floor in the bathroom. —

6 There is smoke coming out of the kitchen. —

The main signal words for this tense are since, for, how long, all day /week, month, year/ long.


Put correct signal words in the gaps:

1 Kudjo has been trying to find out anything about Dradjo’s family ***** several months.

2 ***** has Dradjo been living with Kudjo?

3 Kudjo has been sleeping ***** lunch.

4 Kudjo has been lying and reading ***** an hour.

5 ***** have they been frolicking outside?

6 They have been doing monkey-business *****..


Answer the questions using Present Perfect Continuous:

For example,

Dradjo looks excited. Why? — He has been looking forward to the trip to the cave.

1 Kudjo is tired. Why?

2 Dradjo is filthy. Why?

3 There is a nice smell from the kitchen. Why?

4 Kudjo looks worried. Why?

5 Kudjo sounds angry. Why?

6 Dradjo is sleepy. Why?


Find and correct mistakes in 5 sentences:

1 Dradjo have been learning Doggish for a few months.

2 They have playing frisbee since the morning.

3 Dradjo has been sat in the fridge since he was hatched.

4 They have be making a tree-house for a month.

5 They have been preparing for the trip for yesterday

6 How long have they been packing?


Choose the correct option:

1 Kudjo ***** about going to that cave for a long time.

a is thinking

b thinks

c has been thinking

2 They ***** to reveal the mystery of the egg tomorrow.

a are going

b go

c have been going

3 Kudjo’s paws ***** because he ***** all day long.

a hurt / has been running

b hurt / was running

c hurted / ran

4 They ***** since early this morning.

a are gardening

b garden

c have been gardening

5 They are covered in mud. They ***** football in the rain.

a are playing

b have been playing

c played

6 Kudjo ***** this book to his pet every evening.

a has been reading

b reads

c is reading


Translate the story:

Куджо уже давно пытается узнать, как появилось яйцо с драконом в пещере. Он очень полюбил своего питомца и Драджо выглядит счастливым рядом с ним. Но время от времени дракончик грустит, потому что он хочет отыскать своих родителей и понять, как он очутился в той пещере один и где его настоящие мама с папой. Все сегодняшнее утро они проговорили о поисках следов семьи дракона и только что решили отправиться в ту саму пещеру, чтобы найти хоть какие-нибудь следы. Итак, они собираются отправиться в путь завтра рано утром.

(продолжение следует)

English Grammar with Kudjo. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Part 2

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