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Chapter 1. Finding Yourself: Adventures Don’t Start with Getting Out of the House, but with Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
Meditation in traffic: towards harmony
Meditation and breathing


Meditation and breathing are two interrelated elements that can transform your perception of time spent in traffic from moments of annoyance to moments of calm and introspection. Even in conditions of traffic congestion, when it seems that stress is inevitable, deep breathing can be your reliable companion on the way to inner harmony.

Practice deep breathing

Start by consciously controlling your breathing. Take a deep breath through your nose, filling your lungs as much as possible. Feel your stomach rise and your chest expand. Hold your breath for a few seconds-let it be a short moment of peace and concentration.

Then slowly exhale through your mouth, releasing the tension and stress that has accumulated in your body. Imagine how all the negative energy goes out with the exhalation, and along with a new breath, calmness and balance return to your body.

Focus on inhaling and exhaling

Repeat this process, fully focusing on each inhale and exhale. Put aside all distracting thoughts, focus on the sensations in your body, the warmth that spreads with each deep breath, and the relaxation that comes with each exhalation.

Impact on stress levels

This simple practice of deep breathing can have a profound effect on your condition. It helps to reduce the level of stress, reduce the feeling of anxiety and tension that so often accompany downtime in traffic jams. Deep breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to relax and restore balance.

Practicing meditation and breathing in traffic turns this time from a challenge to an opportunity for self-development and inner harmony. The next time you find yourself in a traffic jam, use this technique to transform your experience and find peace and quiet despite the external circumstances. This is your chance to make every minute in traffic useful for the soul and body, learning to find peace within yourself in any situation.

A woman’s path to self-improvement. «Your dreams and goals in one book»

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