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Chapter 1. Finding Yourself: Adventures Don’t Start with Getting Out of the House, but with Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
Yoga in the kitchen: achieving enlightenment without leaving the stove


Yoga in the kitchen sounds, perhaps, like something unusual for those who are used to seeing yoga exclusively in meditation halls or on mats in a quiet and secluded environment. However, imagine that enlightenment and harmony can occur where you least expect – among pots and pans, in your kitchen. After all, yoga is not only asanas, but also a state of mind, the ability to be «here and now», even without leaving the stove.

Getting started

When we open the kitchen door, we rarely expect to find a yoga space there. However, it is here, amidst the scents of spices and the sounds of boiling water, that your unique journey to mindfulness and inner harmony can begin. The kitchen offers an exceptional opportunity to immerse yourself in meditation and breathing practices without leaving your home and without requiring extra time to visit a yoga studio.

Integrating yoga into everyday life

The path to mindfulness begins with simple things like cooking or cleaning, and it is yoga that helps us find balance and harmony in these mundane activities. Yoga is not just performing complex asanas, it is the ability to feel your body and mind, manage your thoughts and emotions. It is in the kitchen, in the heart of the home, that we can begin our journey to mindfulness, cooking and enjoying every moment of our lives.

The principles of yoga teach us to be here and now, to focus on the process and breathe life into every action, even if it’s just slicing vegetables or making tea. Each movement in the kitchen can become a meditative practice, reminding you of the importance of mindfulness and mindfulness of the current moment.

Integrating yoga into our daily activities reminds us that every moment of life deserves attention and respect. This allows you to turn your routine into a ritual filled with meaning and peace of mind. In this way, the kitchen becomes not only a place for cooking, but also a space for practicing balance, peace and living presence, making every culinary experiment a journey to inner peace.

Practice asanas in the kitchen

Waiting for water to boil or vegetables to cook can be the perfect time to incorporate yoga into your daily routine. Standing at the kitchen table or work surface, you have a unique opportunity to practice a few simple asanas that will not only help you physically relax, but also significantly improve your mood.

The Vrksasana Tree Asana will help you develop balance and concentration, filling your mind with calm and focus. Stand up straight, put your weight on one leg and gently place the other foot on the inside of your thigh or calf, raise your hands above your head, palms together in a «prayer». Hold the pose for a few deep breaths, and then repeat on the other leg.

Practicing «Cat-Cow» (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana) in the kitchen can be your way to stretch your spine and get rid of back strain. Using your hands on the kitchen table, as you inhale, round your back up, raising your head and tailbone, and as you exhale, bend your back down, lowering your head. Smooth transitions between these poses will help to improve the flexibility of the spine and bring a sense of relaxation.

A woman’s path to self-improvement. «Your dreams and goals in one book»

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