Читать книгу Global Issues - Kristen A. Hite - Страница 11


List of Plates

1.1 Street children in Nepal
2.1 Poverty in Indonesia
2.2 The weight of poverty falls heavily on children in poorer nations
2.3 The market approach is followed on the streets in many countries
2.4 The state approach to development struggles to survive the collapse of communist regimes in Europe, as can be seen in the posters of a Communist Party conference in Nepal
3.1 Many migrants move to informal settlements in urban areas
3.2 Children take care of children in many situations, as this girl is doing in Mexico
3.3 Growing cities in less developed nations often have a mixture of modern and substandard housing
3.4 Breast‐feeding can delay a woman’s ability to conceive and provides the most healthful food for a baby
3.5 Advertisement for contraceptives in Costa Rica
3.6 Family planning class
3.7 A crowded train in Bangladesh
4.1 Starvation in Somalia
4.2 The bloated belly is a sign of malnutrition, a major cause of stunting and death in children worldwide
4.3 Obesity is an increasing health and nutrition challenge globally, particularly in some wealthier countries like the United States
4.4 Tropical rainforests are being cut down to clear land to raise beef cattle for the US fast‐food market – the so‐called “hamburger connection”
4.5 Street vendors sell food to many urban dwellers
4.6 Women fishing in the Zambezi river
5.1 In some areas, human‐powered vehicles are more common than oil‐fueled vehicles
5.2 Solar thermal power plant, California
5.3 Solar energy provides power for a water pump in Morocco
5.4 Wind turbines in Altamont Pass, California
5.5 Geothermal power plant, California
5.6 Shortage of wood is a part of the energy crisis, since many urban dwellers in developing nations rely on wood as their major source of fuel
7.1 Deforestation in Mexico
8.1 Vehicles, such as this truck/bus, provide a lot of air pollution in the cities of countries with weaker air pollution laws
8.2 Water pollution in the United States is partly caused by large amountsof pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, which run off from fields during storms
9.1 Without modern technology to help, necessary tasks can be difficult. A woman in Nepal breaks up clumps of soil to prepare the land for planting
9.2 Underground nuclear weapons testing in the United States
Global Issues

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