Читать книгу The Business Intrapreneur: Profiles of Unsung Heroes of Corporate America - Kristin Boone's Eilenberg - Страница 5



I have read my fair share of business books and it is always the same drill. I am always excited to fire up my Kindle and dig into a book that is going to stimulate my brain, challenge my perspectives, and teach me something new and different. Inevitably, around pages 80-100, I lose interest. I feel like the authors are just repeating themselves over and over again just to get to the 200-page mark. Honestly, I got what they were trying to say the first time and the second, so when they make a third attempt, I move on to the next book. I could build towers with the real books that I’ve partially read and am so glad for the archive function on my Kindle.

So, when I embarked on this project, I promised everyone that the final output would be less than 100 pages. I tried to keep focused on the intent of my research and my goals for publishing this information. It’s not perfect and there are many more questions about intrapreneurs that need to be answered, but I did my best to surface the key findings from my research and provide relevant information in an easy and consumable format.

The Business Intrapreneur: Profiles of Unsung Heroes of Corporate America

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