Читать книгу The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory - Lady Charlotte Campbell Bury - Страница 4

General Directions 3
Catalogue of Things in Season—Fish—Game and Poultry—Fruit—Roots and Vegetables 5
General Rules for a Good Dinner 13
Dinner for Fourteen or Sixteen 14
———— Twelve or Fourteen 19
———— Ten or Twelve 23
———— Eight 26
———— Six 29
———— Four 32
Almond 33
Asparagus ib.
Calf’s-head 34
Carrot ib.
Clear ib.
—— herb 35
Cod’s-head ib.
Crawfish ib.
——, or lobster ib.
Curry, or Mulligatawny 36
Eel ib.
Fish ib.
French ib.
Friar’s chicken 37
Giblet ib.
Gravy 38
Hare ib.
Hessian 39
Mock-turtle ib.
Mulligatawny 41
Onion 42
Ox-head 43
Green pea ib.
Winter pea 44
Pea 45
Portable 46
Potato ib.
Rabbit ib.
Root ib.
Scotch leek 47
Soup, to brown or colour ib.
Soups and brown sauces, seasoning for ib.
Soups ib.
—— without meat 48
—— for the poor 49
—— and bouilli ib.
Soupe à-la-reine ib.
—— maigre 50
—— Santé 51
Spanish ib.
Turnip 52
Veal ib.
Vegetable ib.
Vermicelli 53
West India, or pepper-pot ib.
White 54
Broth for the poor 57
—————— sick ib.
Barley 58
Chervil ib.
Hodge-podge ib.
Leek porridge ib.
Madame de Maillet’s ib.
Mutton 59
Pork ib.
Pottage ib.
Scotch pottage ib.
Scotch 60
Turnip ib.
Veal ib.
Carp and tench 63
——, to stew ib.
Cod, to stew 64
——, ragout of ib.
——, head, to boil ib.
Crab, to dress 64
—— or lobster, to butter ib.
——————, to stew 65
Crawfish, to make red ib.
Eels, to broil whole ib.
——, to collar 65
——, to fry 66
——, to pot ib.
——, to pickle ib.
——, to roast ib.
——, to spitchcock ib.
——, to stew 67
Fish, to recover when tainted ib.
——, in general, to dress 68
——, to dress in sauce ib.
——, hashed in paste ib.
——, to cavietch ib.
Gudgeon ib.
Haddock, to bake ib.
—— pudding 69
Herring ib.
Lampreys to pot ib.
Lobsters, to butter 70
——, to fricassee ib.
——, to hash ib.
——, to pot 71
——, to stew ib.
—— curry powder ib.
—— patés ib.
—— salad 72
Mackarel à la maitre d’hotel ib.
——, to boil ib.
——, to broil ib.
——, to collar ib.
——, to fry ib.
——, to pickle ib.
——, to pot ib.
——, to souse 73
—— pie ib.
Mullet, to boil ib.
——, to broil ib.
——, to fry ib.
Oysters, to stew ib.
——, ragout 74
——, to pickle ib.
—— patés ib.
Oyster loaves 75
—— pie ib.
Perch, to fricassee 76
Pike, to dress ib.
——, stuffed, to boil ib.
——, to boil à-la-Française ib.
——, to broil ib.
——, in Court Bouillon 77
——, fricandeau ib.
——, German way of dressing ib.
——, to pot ib.
——, to roast 78
——, au souvenir ib.
——, à la Tatare ib.
Salmon, to dress ib.
——, en caisses ib.
——, à la poële 79
Scallops ib.
Shrimps, to pot ib.
Smelts, to fry ib.
——, to pickle ib.
——, to pot 80
Soles, to boil ib.
——, to boil à-la-Française ib.
——, to stew ib.
Water Souchi ib.
Sprats, to bake 81
Sturgeon, to roast ib.
Turbot, to dress ib.
——, plain boiled 82
——, to boil ib.
——, to boil in gravy ib.
——, to boil in Court Bouillon with capers ib.
——, to fry 83
—— or barbel, glazed ib.
——, en gras ib.
——, or barbel, en maigre ib.
Turtle, to dress 84
Whiting, to dry ib.
Asparagus forced in French rolls 85
Eggs, to dress ib.
——, buttered ib.
——, Scotch 86
——, for second course ib.
——, to fry as round as balls ib.
——, fricassee of ib.
——, à la crême ib.
Ham, essence of 87
Maccaroni in a mould of pie-crust ib.
—— ib.
Omelets 89
——, asparagus 90
——, French ib.
Ragout for made dishes ib.
Trouhindella ib.
Artichokes, to fricassee 91
Bacon, to cure ib.
Barbicue ib.
Beef, alamode 92
———— in the French manner ib.
——, rump, with onions 93
——, rump, to bake ib.
——, rump, cardinal fashion ib.
——, sausage fashion 94
——, ribs and sirloin ib.
——, ribs, en papillotes ib.
——, brisket, stewed German fashion 95
——, to bake ib.
——, bouilli ib.
——, relishing 96
——, to stew ib.
——, cold, to dress 97
——, cold boiled, to dress ib.
——, cold, to pot ib.
—— steaks, to broil ib.
———— and oysters 98
—— (rump steaks) broiled, with onion gravy ib.
—— steaks, to stew 98
—— olives 99
——, pickle for ib.
——, to salt ib.
——, to dry 100
——, hung ib.
——, for scraping 101
——, Italian ib.
——, red ib.
——, collar of 102
Bisquet, to make ib.
Boar’s-head, to dress whole 103
Brawn, to keep ib.
Hog’s-head, like brawn ib.
Mock-brawn ib.
Cabbage, farced 104
Calf’s-head ib.
——, like turtle ib.
——, to hash 105
——, fricassee 106
——, to pickle ib.
—— liver 107
Cauliflowers with white sauce ib.
Celery, to stew ib.
—— à-la-crême ib.
Collops, Scotch ib.
——, brown Scotch 108
——, white ib.
——, to mince 109
—— of cold beef ib.
Cucumbers, to stew ib.
Curry-powder ib.
——, Indian 110
Farcie 112
Forcemeat ib.
Fricandeau 113
Ham, to cure ib.
——, Westphalia, to cure 117
——, English, to make like Westphalia 119
——, green 120
——, to prepare for dressing without soaking ib.
——, to dress ib.
——, to roast 121
——, entrée of ib.
——, toasts ib.
—— and chicken, to pot ib.
Herb sandwiches 122
Hog’s puddings, black ib.
————, white ib.
Kabob, an Indian ragout 123
Lamb, leg, to boil 124
————, with forcemeat ib.
——, shoulder of, grilled ib.
——, to ragout ib.
——, to fricassee ib.
Meat, miscellaneous directions respecting 125
——, general rules for roasting and boiling ib.
——, half roasted or under done ib.
Mustard to make 126
Mutton, chine, to roast ib.
—— chops, to stew ib.
—— cutlets ib.
————, with onion sauce ib.
—— hams, to make 127
——, haricot 127
——, leg ib.
——, leg, in the French fashion ib.
——, or beef, leg, to hash 128
——, loin, to stew ib.
——, neck, to roast ib.
——, neck, to boil ib.
——, neck, to fry 129
——, saddle, and kidneys ib.
——, shoulder, to roast in blood ib.
——, shoulder or leg, with oysters ib.
——, roasted, with stewed cucumbers ib.
——, to eat like venison 130
——, in epigram ib.
Mushrooms to stew brown ib.
Newmarket John ib.
Ox-cheek to stew ib.
Ox-tail ragout 131
Peas to stew ib.
——, green, to keep till Christmas 132
Pickle, red, for any meat ib.
Pie, beef-steak ib.
——, calf’s-head ib.
——, mutton or grass-lamb ib.
——, veal 133
——, veal and ham ib.
——, veal olive ib.
——, beef olive ib.
Pig, to barbicue ib.
——, to collar ib.
——, to collar in colours 134
——, to pickle or souse ib.
——, to roast ib.
——, to dress lamb-fashion ib.
Pigs’-feet and ears, fricassee of 135
————————, ragout of ib.
Pig’s-head, to roll ib.
Pilaw, an Indian dish ib.
Pork, to collar 136
——, to pickle ib.
——, chine, to stuff or roast ib.
—— cutlets 137
——, gammon, to roast ib.
——, leg, to broil ib.
——, spring, to roast ib.
Potatoes, to boil ib.
——, to bake 138
Potato balls ib.
Potatoes, croquets of ib.
——, to fry ib.
——, to mash 139
——, French way of cooking ib.
——, à-la-maitre d’hotel ib.
Rice to boil ib.
Rissoles ib.
Rice 140
Robinson, to make a 141
Salad, to dress ib.
Sausages, Bologna ib.
——, English ib.
——, Oxford 142
——, for Scotch collops ib.
——, veal ib.
——, without skins 143
Spinach, the best mode of dressing ib.
——, to stew ib.
Sweetbreads, ragout of 144
Savoury toasts, to relish wine 144
Tomato, to eat with roast meat 145
Tongues, to cure ib.
——, to smoke 146
——, to bake ib.
——, to boil ib.
——, to pot ib.
—— and udder to roast 147
——, sheep’s, or any other, with oysters ib.
Tripe, to dress ib.
——, to fricassee ib.
Truffles and morels, to stew ib.
Veal, to boil 148
——, to collar ib.
——, to roast ib.
——, roasted, ragout of ib.
——, to stew 149
——, with rice, to stew ib.
——, served in paper ib.
——, bombarded ib.
—— balls 150
——, breast ib.
——, breast, with cabbage and bacon ib.
——, breast, en fricandeau ib.
——, breast, glazed brown ib.
——, breast, stewed with peas 151
——, breast, ragout ib.
—— collops, with oysters 151
—— collops, with white sauce 152
—— cutlets, to dress ib.
—— cutlets, larded ib.
——, fillet, to farce or roast ib.
——, fillet, to boil 153
——, half a fillet, to stew ib.
——, knuckle, white ib.
——, knuckle, ragout ib.
——, leg, and bacon, to boil 154
——, loin, to roast ib.
——, loin, to roast with herbs ib.
——, loin, fricassee of ib.
——, loin, bechamel 155
——, neck, stewed with celery ib.
—— olives ib.
—— rumps 156
——, shoulder, to stew ib.
The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory

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