Читать книгу Hatch, Leap, Soar - Latoyia Dennis - Страница 8



At the beginning of each year, I select one word to focus on. Hatch, leap, and soar were my words from 2014 to 2016. When I chose the word hatch in 2014, I had no idea how it would start a complete life overhaul and personal transformation for me.

The focus on transformation is at the heart of this book, Hatch, Leap, Soar. It is the concept of becoming who you were created to be. The idea of reaching total fulfillment, real success, and true happiness is subjective. You have to determine what those ideals mean to you. What is sure to happen, in order for you to find your own personal nirvana, are hatching, leaping, and soaring. However, all three stages of change do not happen just once. Over the course of your life, you will be hatching in some areas, leaping and taking a chance in others, while soaring in others. The process is beautiful. I relate the process to that of a baby bird inside an egg, ready to…


Before you can begin to change and start realizing your potential, you may find yourself safely settled in your comfort zone. In essence, you are stuck inside your shell. When you begin the process of hatching, you are defying the norm, pressing past your fears to break free. Once you’ve hatched, you will be able to see the possibilities ahead. Your mind will be open to achieving something you were born to do. You start to think, As soon as I get out of here, I will be able to do anything I set my mind to. But to literally break out of your shell, you will have to make a…


You may take a leap of faith or a leap in a completely different direction than you have ever gone before. It is important to have faith that you are better off freed from your shell than you are stuck inside. Take the chance to propel out of your current comfort zone.

To reach the potential that everyone is given, step toward it. Opportunities and change will not suddenly materialize while you are sitting alone in your shell. Move, shake or dance—do anything that will allow you to experience life as never before. A bird cannot learn to fly by sitting pretty in its nest. A bird has to leap to learn how to…


When you discover how to break free of the barriers you have built up over the years, you will soon soar toward the realm of your personal possibilities. You can fulfill your dreams by taking steps, one at a time, until you are soaring into higher regions. Once you take wing, your life will be transformed.

Hatch, Leap, Soar

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