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Many people are experiencing regular spiritual encounters, but are silent out of fear of being judged. The search is on for the missing pieces of the spiritual puzzle. Perhaps my experiences will reflect some of the answers you have been seeking.

Loved ones are returning to visit us from the other side. They are attempting to communicate in a variety of ways. These visits are ranging from realistic dreams to appearing physically while awake. They’re souls often appear in a lit-up beam called an orb. It is common for our loved ones to drop coins, touch hair, and cause electrical disturbances to get our attention.

Déjà vu verifies specific events. Déjà vu is the sudden familiarity of a place and or situation. I’ve been here before or already seen this. Déjà vu confirms our life’s path or map. These points of recollection verify the direction you have previously chosen.

People are having premonitions, but are unsure of how to deal with the information. Having premonitions can be overwhelming leading to anxiety. Premonitions are notifications of upcoming events. These pieces of information surface spontaneously.

Anyone is capable of having spiritual experiences, but development is a choice. This is much like acquiring the skills to play a sport. After devoting time, the results materialize.

This book was written with the intention of being able to share my personal life experiences as a psychic medium. As a medium, I have been able to explore what is generally unseen and unknown. On a daily basis I interact with my spirit guides. Receiving invaluable information makes living easier. I communicate with the dead. I have accompanied souls to the doorway, which leads to the other side. While witnessing these souls on their departure, I have seen angels.

Join me on my journey into spirituality and watch as events unfold.

Journey Into Spirituality

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